
  ・大塚 俊之

  1. Kida M, Ohtsuka T, Kato T, Suzuki T, Fujitake N (2016) Evaluation of salinity effect on quantitative analysis of aquatic humic substances using nonionic DAX-8 resin. Chemosphere 146; 129-132 DOI: 10.1016/j. chemosphere.2015.12.031
  2. Suchewaboripont V, Ando M, Yoshitake S, Iimura Y, Hirota M, Ohtsuka T (2017) Spatial upscaling of soil respiration under a complex canopy structure in an old-growth deciduous forest, central Japan. Forests 8, 36; doi:10.3390/f8020036


   ・吉竹 晋平

  1. Suzuki M, Suminokura N, Tanami K, Yoshitake S, Masuda S, Tomotsune M, Koizumi H (2016) Effects of long-term experimental warming on plants and soil microbes in a cool temperate semi-natural grassland in Japan. Ecological Research 31 (6): 957–962.
  2. Suchewaboripont V, Ando M, Yoshitake S, Iimura Y, Hirota M, Ohtsuka T (2017) Spatial upscaling of soil respiration under a complex canopy structure in an old-growth deciduous forest, central Japan. Forests 8 (2): 36.


   ・景山 幸二

  1. Nishioka, T., Elsharkawy M. M., Suga, H., Kageyama, K., Hyakumachi, M.: Development of culture medium for the isolation of Flavobacterium and Chryseobacterium from rhizosphere soil. Microbes Environ. 31: 104-110, 2016.
  2. YinLing, Kageyama, K.,, Tian, X., Li, Y-W., Zhao, R.: The pathogen of geranium Pythium blight in Inner Mongolia. Mycosystema 35: 874-881, 2016.
  3. Suga, H., Kageyama, K., Shimizu, M., Hyakumachi, M.: A natural mutation involving both pathogenicity and perithecium formation in the Fusarium graminearum species complex. G3 6: 3883-3892, 2016
  4. 渡辺秀樹・村元靖典・景山幸二:ホウレンソウ養液栽培における亜リン酸肥料の施用が立枯病の発生に及ぼす影響. 関西病虫研報 (58): 109-111, 2016
  5. YinLing, Kageyama, K.,, Tian, X., Li, Y-W., Ji, Z-J., Zhao, R.: Identification of spinach damping-off pathogens in Inner Mongolia region. China Vegetables 11: 50-55, 2016.


   ・村岡 裕由

  1. Tang J., Körner C., Muraoka H., Piao S., Shen M., Thackeray S and Yang X. (2016) Emerging opportunities and challenges in phenology: A review. Ecosphere 7, e01436. 10.1002/ecs2.1436
  2. Xue W., Lindner S., Nay-Htoon B., Dubbert M., Otieno D., Ko J., Muraoka H., Werner C., Tenhunen J. and Harley P. (2016) Nutritional and developmental influences on components of rice crop light use efficiency. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 223: 1-16
  3. Xue W., Lindner S., Dubbert M., Otieno D., Ko J., Muraoka H., Werner C. and Tenhunen J. (2016) Supplement understanding of the relative importance of biophysical factors in determination of photosynthetic capacity and photosynthetic productivity in rice ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 233: 1-16
  4. Kuribayashi M., Noh NJ., Wakazuki Y., Saitoh TM. and Muraoka H. (2016) Current and future carbon budget at Takayama site, Japan, evaluated by a regional climate model and a process-based terrestrial ecosystem model. International Journal of Biometerology (in press) DOI 10.1007/s00484-016-1278-9


   ・斎藤 琢

  1. Kuribayashi, M., Noh, N.-J., Saitoh, T.M., Ito, A., Wakazuki, Y. and Muraoka H., (2017) Current and future carbon budget at Takayama site, Japan, evaluated by a regional climate model and a process-based terrestrial ecosystem model, International Journal of Biometeorology, DOI:10.1007/s00484-016-1278-9
  2. Kondo, M., Saitoh, T.M., Sato, H. and Ichii, K. (2017) Comprehensive synthesis of spatial variability in carbon flux across monsoon Asian forests, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 232: 623-634, DOI 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.10.020


   ・玉川 一郎

  1. Rahma Yanda, Morihiro Harada, and Ichiro Tamagawa (2016) The Effects of Sediment Supply on Hydraulic Characteristics of Flow over the Imbricated Cobbles, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 72, No. 4, I_613-I_618.


   ・原田 守啓

  1. 永山滋也,原田守啓,佐川志朗,萱場祐一 (2017) 揖斐川の高水敷掘削地におけるイシガイ類生息環境-掘削高さおよび経過年数との関係-, 応用生態工学,19(2):131-142.
  2. Shigeya Nagayama, Morihiro Harada, and Yuichi Kayaba (2016) Distribution and microhabitats of freshwater mussels in waterbodies in the terrestrialized floodplains of a lowland river, Limnology, 17, 3, 263-272.
  3. 原田守啓, 荒川貴都, 大井照隆, 鈴木英夫, 沢田和秀 (2016) UAVと水域可視化処理による 河川地形計測手法の検討, 河川技術論文集, 22, 67-72.


   ・李 富生

  1. Haixia Du, Fusheng Li, Zaiji Yu, Chunhua Feng, Wenhan Li (2016), Nitrification and denitrification in two-chamber MFCs for treatment of wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen, Environmental Technology, Vol. 37, Issue 10, pp. 1232-1239.
  2. Haixia Du, Fusheng Li, Chunhua Feng (2016), Size effects of potato waste on its treatment by microbial fuel cell, Environmental Technology, Vol. 37, Issue 10, pp. 1305-1313.
  3. Kui Huang, Hui Xia, Fusheng Li, Yongfen Wei, Guangyu Cui, Xiaoyong Fu, Xuemin Chen (2016), Optimal growth condition of earthworms and their vermicompost features during recycling of five different fresh fruit and vegetable wastes, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 23, Issue 13, pp. 13569-13575.
  4. Haixia Du, Fusheng Li (2016), Effects of varying the ratio of cooked to uncooked potato on the microbial fuel cell treatment of common potato waste, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 569-570, pp. 841-849.
  5. 石黒泰,YenniTRIANDA,藤澤智成,安福克人,奥村信哉,玉川貴文,Joni Aldilla FAJRI,李富生(2016),処理水循環が浄化槽の処理水質に与える影響-多変量解析手法を用いた検討-,土木学会論文集G(環境), 72, No.7, pp. 255-266.
  6. Hongjie Gui, Fusheng Li, Yongfen Wei, Toshiro Yamada and Reni Desmiarti (2016), Characteristics of NOM released to water from different forest and agricultural soils, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences. Vol. 48, Issue 5, pp. 631-644.
  7. Haixia Du, Fusheng Li, Kui Huang, Wenhan Li, Chunhua Feng (2017), Potato waste treatment by microbial fuel cell: Evaluation based on electricity generation, organic matter removal and microbial structure, Environmental Protection Engineering, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 5-18.
  8. Kui Huang, Hui Xia, Guangyu Cui, Fusheng Li (2017), Effects of earthworms on nitrification and ammonia oxidizers in vermicomposting systems for recycling of fruit and vegetable wastes, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 578, pp. 337-345.
  9. Haixia Du, Fusheng Li (2017), Characteristics of dissolved organic matter formed in aerobic and anaerobic digestion of excess activated sludge, Chemosphere, Vol. 168, pp. 1022-1031.
  10. Haixia Du, Fusheng Li (2017), Enhancement of solid potato waste treatment by microbial fuel cell with mixed feeding of waste activated sludge, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 143, pp. 336-344.


   ・廣岡 佳弥子

  1. Application of Zirconium-Based Materials as Catalyst of Air-Cathode in Microbial Fuel Cells, Osamu Ichihashi, Kensei Matsuura, Kayako Hirooka, Tatsuya Takeguchi, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 14(2), 106-113, 2016.
  2. Measurement of pH distribution near the air-cathode of a single-chamber microbial fuel cell using location sensor-equipped microelectrodes
  3. Ayuri Motoyama, Osamu Ichihashi, Kayako Hirooka, Electrochemistry Communications, 72, 32-35, 2016. 


   ・市橋 修

  1. Application of Zirconium-Based Materials as Catalyst of Air-Cathode in Microbial Fuel Cells, Osamu Ichihashi, Kensei Matsuura, Kayako Hirooka, Tatsuya Takeguchi, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 14(2), 106-113, 2016.
  2. Measurement of pH distribution near the air-cathode of a single-chamber microbial fuel cell using location sensor-equipped microelectrodes
  3. Ayuri Motoyama, Osamu Ichihashi, Kayako Hirooka, Electrochemistry Communications, 72, 32-35, 2016. 


   ・粟屋 善雄

  1. オウスチンビリゴ・粟屋善雄 (2016) 中国内モンゴルのエジナ河・居延三角州における胡楊(Populus euphratica)林の現状と再生適地の判定.森林計画誌,50(1):1-12.


   ・児島 利治

  1. Edwina Zainal, Kojima Toshiharu, Investigation of Long Term Evapotranspiration by Using Hamon Equation Factor and NDVI Data in Forest Plantations Area, China-USA Business Review, 15(10), 494-506, 2016.


   ・小山 真紀

  1. Zin Zin Nwe, Nan Pawt Sai Awar, Aye Mya Cho, Kyaw Moe Aung, Maki Koyama and Junji Kiyono: Development of Damage Patterns and Fragility Curves in Brick-nogging Buildings from the Thabeikkyin Earthquake, Myanmar, 2012, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 1-19, 2017.
  2. Koyama, S. Nomoto, M. Uekado and E. Ikeda: HOSPITAL PERSONNEL ATTENDANCE IN CASE OF A LARGE-SCALE EARTHQUAKE DISASTER: ESTIMATION USING GIS, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction (4ICUDR), 177-181, 2016.
  3. Saki Yotsui, Maki Koyama, Emily So, Stephen Platt and Junji Kiyono: COMPARING HUMAN BEHAVIOUR IN JAPAN AND THE UK DURING NATURAL DISASTERS, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction (4ICUDR), 51-56, 2016.
  4. 山内政輝, 秦吉弥, 村田晶, 鍬田泰子, 小山真紀, 中嶋唯貴, 湊文博, 大川雄太郎, 宮島昌克, 常田賢一: 高密度常時微動計測に基づく能登半島北方沖の想定地震による舳倉島での強震動予測, Kansai Geo-Symposium論文集(CD-ROM) 2016 ROMBUNNO.1‐2, 2016.
  5. 秦 吉弥, 湊 文博, 山田 雅行, 鍬田 泰子, 小山 真紀, 中嶋 唯貴, 常田 賢一:強震動作用中の津波避難困難時間に関する評価精度とその向上策 : 南海トラフ巨大地震における駿河湾沿岸域を対象として, 構造工学論文集. A A 62 259-272, 2016.
  6. 湊 文博, 秦 吉弥, 常田 賢一, 鍬田 泰子, 小山 真紀, 植田 裕也: 高密度常時微動計測・臨時地震観測に基づく南海トラフ巨大地震における和歌山県広川町での津波避難不可能時間算出のための強震動評価, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 72(4), I_68-I_81, 2016.
  7. 湊 文博, 秦 吉弥, 山田 雅行, 鍬田 泰子, 小山 真紀, 中嶋 唯貴, 常田 賢一:高密度常時微動計測に基づく1993年北海道南西沖地震における奥尻島青苗地区での強震動と避難不可能時間の評価, 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 72(4), I_884-I_894, 2016.


   ・久世 益充

  1. 久世益充・能島暢呂・高島拓也,地震動経時特性の特徴抽出と自己組織化マップによる評価,土木学会論文集A1S,73,No.4,2017.(登載決定)
  2. 能島暢呂・久世益充:震度継続時間予測モデルの実地震に対する適用と検証,土木学会論文集A1S,72,No.4,pp.I_44-I_54. 2016.


   ・魏 永芬

  1. Kui Huang, Hui Xia, Fusheng Li, Yongfen Wei, Guangyu Cui, Xiaoyong Fu, Xuemin Chen (2016), Optimal growth condition of earthworms and their vermicompost features during recycling of five different fresh fruit and vegetable wastes, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 23, Issue 13, pp. 13569-13575.
  2. Hongjie Gui, Fusheng Li, Yongfen Wei, Toshiro Yamada and Reni Desmiarti (2016), Characteristics of NOM released to water from different forest and agricultural soils, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences. Vol. 48, Issue 5, pp. 631-644.


   ・石黒 泰

  1. 石黒泰,Yenni TRIANDA, 藤澤智成,安福克人,奥村信哉,玉川貴文,Joni Aldilla FAJRI, 李富生 (2016) 処理水循環が浄化槽の処理水循環に与える影響,土木学会論文集G(環境),72,No.7,Ⅲ_255-265


   ・丸谷 靖幸

  1. 丸谷靖幸,渡部哲史,田中智大,立川康人,ローカルスケールの気候変動影響評価に向けたJRA-55降水量に対する統計的補正手法の検討,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),73,No.4,pp.115-120,2017.
  2. 中山恵介,駒井克昭,丸谷靖幸,松本経,阪口詩乃,桑江朝比呂,蛍光X線分析を利用した細流土砂の輸送割合と安定同位体比による窒素循環量の推定,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),73,No.4,pp.1177-1182,2017.