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   Since 2004, the 21st Century COE program "Satellite Ecology (SATECO)" at Gifu University, funded by JSPS, has been working to find the linkage between remote sensing science, ecosystem ecology and micrometeorology for studying ecosystem structure and function in mountainous landscape in central Japan. This program was established as a result of long-term ecosystem research at the Takayama site since 1993. The activities involve the joint research by the different approaches (intensively in two AsiaFlux sites; TKY and TKC), education of graduate students and post-docs by research and seminar for gaining linked sense of the approaches, and networking with research/education groups. We believe the SATECO activity has now an important role in bridging ecosystem ecology, remote sensing science and micrometeorology, and also in educating young scientists to grow their sense of multidisciplinary approach and understanding. In March 2009, the SATECO activity as the JSPS 21st Century COE program will be finished, but we are strongly hoping to extend and enhance its activity by proposing to a new JSPS/MEXT "Global COE Program" in Feb 2009.
   This international symposium will be organized to share the knowledge of ecosystem function including carbon, water and heat exchanges and ecosystem services in mountainous landscape in Asia and Europe, and to gain insights into the next step of ecosystem - climate change interaction study as well as education program in Asia and Europe. We hope thus discussed idea to be incorporated to the Global COE program in Gifu University.

International Symposium
(In English presentation)

30, July (Wed)

13:00-17:40 Symposium
(Lecture hall, Gifu univ.)
31, July (Thu)


(Lecture hall, Gifu univ.)
18:30-20:00 Social event
(Gifu univ. cafeteria)

1, August (Fri)


(Lecture hall, Gifu univ.)

Symposium for citizens
(In Japanese presentation)

2, August (Sat)

10:00-13:00 Gifu Symposium
(Lecture hall, Gifu univ.)

Updated on 30 April, 2008