
   ・大塚 俊之

  1. Dhital D, Yashiro, Y, Ohtsuka T, Noda H, Shizu Y, Koizumi H. (2010) Carbon dynamics and budget in a Zoysia japonica grassland, central Japan. Journal of Plant Research, 123: 519-530.
  2. Ohtsuka, T, Shizu, Y, Nishiwaki A, Yashiro Y, Koizumi H (2010) Carbon cycling and net ecosystem production at an early stage of secondary succession in an abandoned coppice forest. Journal of Plant Research, 123: 393-401.
  3. Yashiro Y, Lee N-Y, Ohtsuka T, Shizu Y, Saito TM, Koizumi H. (2010) Biometric based estimation of net ecosystem production (NEP) in a mature Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation beneath a flux tower. Journal of Plant Research, 123: 463-472
  4. Shimono, A, Zhou H, Shen H, Hirota M, Ohtsuka T, Tang Y (2010) Underestimation of plant diversity at high altitudes on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Plant Ecology, 3: 1-7.
  5. Yashiro Y, Shizu Y, Hirota M, Shimono A, Ohtsuka T (2010) The role of shrub (Potentilla fruticosa) on ecosystem CO2 fluxes in an alpine shrub meadow.  Journal of Plant Ecology, 3: 89-97.


    ・景山 幸二

  1. Ahonsi, M., Yin-Ling and Kageyama, K. (2010) Development of SCAR markers and PCR assays for single or simultaneous species-specific detection of Phytophthora nicotianae and Pythium helicoides in ebb-and-flow irrigated kalanchoe. J. Microbiol. Meth. 83:260–265.
  2. 舟久保太一・景山幸二 (2010) Pythium arrhenomanes によるトウモロコシ根腐病(病原追加). 関東東山病害虫研報 57:15-16.
  3. 舟久保太一・景山幸二 (2010) Pythium spinosum によるスズランエリカ根腐病(病原追加). 関東東山病害虫研報 57:59-60.
  4. 景山幸二 (2010) 日本の亜熱帯域および冷温帯域の糸状菌類相の多様性とその比較.IFO Res. Commun. 24:117-156.
  5. Naher, M., Motohash, K., Watanabe, H., Chikuo, Y., Senda, M., Suga, H., Brasier, C. and Kageyama, K. (2011) Phytophthora chrysanthemi sp. nov., a new species causing root rot of chrysanthemum in Japan. Mycol Progress 10:21–31.


   ・西條 好廸

  1. 河合洋人・粟屋善雄・横内茂・西條好廸・秋山侃・坂斎(2010) 岐阜市とその近郊における竹林の面積の推移,名城大学農学部学術報告,46,45-49
  2. 河合洋人・西條好廸・秋山侃(2010)地上部および地下部の成長からみた竹林拡大の解析,日本森林学会誌92(2),93-99


   ・村岡 裕由

  1. Nagai S., Nasahara K.N., Muraoka H., Akiyama T.and Tsuchida S. (2010) Field experiments to test the use of the normalized difference vegetation index for phenology detection. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150: 152-160
  2. Nagai S., Saigusa N., Muraoka H. and Nasahara K.N. (2010) What makes the satellite-based EVI-GPP relationship unclear in a deciduous broad-leaved forest? Ecological Research 25: 359-365
  3. Muraoka H., Saigusa N., Nasahara K.N., Noda H., Yoshino J., Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Murayama S. and Koizumi H. (2010) Effects of seasonal and interannual variation in leaf photosynthesis and canopy leaf area index on gross primary production in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan. Journal of Plant Research 123: 563-576, DOI: 10.1007/s10265-009-0270-4
  4. Dhital D., Muraoka H., Yashiro Y., Shizu Y. and Koizumi H. (2010) Measurement of net ecosystem production and ecosystem respiration in a Zoysia japonica grassland, central Japan, by the chamber method. Ecological Research 25: 483-493
  5. Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa I., Muraoka H., Lee N.M., Yashiro Y. and Koizumi H. (2010) Carbon dioxide exchange in a cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest over complex topography in Japan during two years with contrasting climates. Journal of Plant Research 123: 373-483
  6. Kume A, Nasahara K.N., Nagai S. and Muraoka H. (2010) The ratio of transmitted near-infrared radiation to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) increases in proportion to the adsorbed PAR in the canopy, Journal of Plant Research, DOI 10.1007/s10265-010-0346-1
  7. 斎藤琢・玉川一郎・村岡裕由・小泉博(2010)森林における光合成・呼吸活動に伴う貯熱量。農業気象 66: 289-298
  8. Choi H., Lee WK, Son Y., Kojima T. and Muraoka H. (2010) Vegetation classification using seasonal variation MODIS Data. Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 26: 665-673
  9. Piao S., Ciais P., Lomas M., Beer C., Liu H., Fang J., Friedlingstein P., Huang Y., Muraoka H., Son Y. and Woodward I. (2011) Contribution of climate change and rising CO2 to terrestrial carbon balance in East Asia: A multi-model analysis. Global and Planetary Change 75: 133-142, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2010.10.014
  10. Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa I., Muraoka H. and Koizumi H. (2011) Energy balance closure over a cool temperature forest in steeply sloping topography during snowfall and snow-free periods. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, (in press)


   ・藤田 裕一郎

  1. 原田守啓・藤田裕一郎(2010) 中小急流河川における護岸粗度の抵抗特性に関する一考察,河川技術論文集,土木学会水工学委員会,第16巻,2010年6月,pp. 395-400.
  2. 原田守啓・藤田裕一郎・水上精栄・萱場祐一(2011) 単断面河道における護岸粗度の抵抗特性と中小急流河川の護岸設計に関する一考察,水工学論文集,土木学会水工学委員会,第55巻,2011年2月,pp. S-764-S-768.


   ・玉川 一郎

  1. 斎藤琢・玉川一郎・村岡裕由・小泉博(2010), 森林における光合成・呼吸活動に伴う貯熱量, 農業気象66巻4号,289-298.
  2. Shimojima, E., Tamagawa, I., Turner, J.V. (2010)  Experimental Investigation of Evaporation and Condensation in Sandy Soils under Simulated Arid Conditions, GQ10: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World (Proc. 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference held in Zurich, Switzerland, 13-18 June 2010).


   ・李 富生

  1. 葛口利貴・吉村千洋・小林慎也・廣岡佳弥子・李 富生(2010)ダム湖による河川の粒状有機物動態の変化と底生動物群集の関係. 環境工学研究論文集 47: 401-411.
  2. 原田宣男・李富生・廣岡佳弥子(2010)伊自良川における河床堆積微生物に対する重金属の影響評価. 環境工学研究論文集 47: 391-400.
  3. Ayse Neslihan Ozman Say, Nuket Sivri, Ali Erturk, Dursun Zafer Seker, and Fusheng Li (2010) Analysis of phytoplankton distribution at the south-western coast of Istanbul utilizing GIS, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19 (9b): 2116-2122.
  4. Dursun Zafer Seker1, Nuket Sivri, Fusheng Li and Ahmet Mete Cilingirturk (2010) Public Awareness of marine pollution in Istanbul, Turkey, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 19 (9a): 1971-1977.
  5. 厳敏・高乃云・李富生 (2010) 水処理におけるMIEXの応用(日本語訳),給水排水,36 (7): 30-33.


   ・粟屋 善雄

  1. 粟屋善雄 (2010) デジタル空中写真の魅力-森林管理への利用に向けて-. 森林計画研究会会報, 441:1-6.
  2. 粟屋善雄・福田夏子・高橋與明・清野嘉之・齋藤英樹・島田政信・Suwido H.L.・I Nengah S.J.・M Buce S. (2011) 熱帯林におけるXバンドとLバンドのSARの後方散乱係数の比較-インドネシア中央カリマンタンの泥炭湿地林での事例-.中部森林研究,59:97-98.
  3. 福田夏子・粟屋善雄・高橋與明 (2011) LiDARデータと植生分類図の比較による樹冠高分布の傾向の解析.中部森林研究, 59:55-56.
  4. 河合洋人・粟屋善雄・横内茂・西條好迪・秋山侃・坂齊(2010)岐阜市とその近郊における竹林の面積の推移.名城大農学部学術報告,46:45-49.
  5. Takahashi, T., Awaya, Y., Hirata, Y., Furuya, N. Sakai, T., Sakai, A. (2010) Stand volume estimation by combining low laser-sampling density LiDAR data with QuickBird panchromatic imagery in closed-canopy Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 31-5:1281–1301.
  6. Abdullah, H.M., Akiyama, T., Shibayama, M., Awaya, Y. (2011) Mapping LAI of cropland and abandoned cropland using ground observation data and classified QuickBird images. Journal of the Japanese Agricultural System Society, 27-1:1-8.


   ・児島 利治

  1. Choi,H., W. Lee, Y. Son, T. Kojima, H. Muraoka (2010) Vegetation Classification Using Seasonal Variation MODIS Data, Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(6), 665-673.


   ・杉戸 真太

  1. Hiroshi YOKAWA, Atsushi YASHIMA, Masata SUGITO, Kazuhide SAWADA, Masumitsu KUSE, Akinori TANABE, and Osamu NAKAYAMA:Deformation Analyses of River Dike on Liquefiable Ground Affected by Different Earthquake Motions, Geo shanghai 2010.
  2. Masumitsu KUSE, Masata SUGITO and Shinji KAWADE:Simulation of Earthquake Motion at Near Field Region of the Past Disastrous Earthquakes, Nineth U.S. National and Tenth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Canada, 2010.
  3. 藤川智,杉戸真太:距離減衰式に用いるサイト増幅度に関する検討,第13回日本地震工学シンポジウム,2010,CD-ROM、pp.3881-3888.
  4. 岩本政巳・清水藤太・杉戸真太:地震動の周期特性、継続時間がRC建物の耐震挙動に及ぼす影響に関する基礎的検討、コンクリート工学年次論文集、Vol.32、No.2、pp.805-810、2010.


   ・沢田 和秀

  1.   藤田雅也, 沢田和秀, 八嶋厚, 新井新一, 須崎竜太, 瀧澤 嘉男, ロープネット工に関する維持管理手法の提案, 地盤工学ジャーナル, Vol.5, No.3, pp.437-448, 2010.
  2. Hara, T., Tsuji, S., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. And Tatta, N., Independent reinforced soil structure with pile foundation -piled geo-wall: An experimental study on the application to seismic measure for embankment- . Soils and Foundations; Vol.50, pp.565-571, 2010.
  3.  村田芳信, 八嶋厚, 馬貴臣, 沢田和秀, 物理探査手法を用いたアンカー工評価法, 基礎工, Vol.38, No.9, pp.83-86, 2010.
  4. Iwata, M., Yashima, A., Sawada, K., Hinokio, M. and Otsu, R., Modification of subloding tij model for soft rock, GeoShanghai 2010, Soil Behavior and Geo-Micromechanics, pp.117-122, 2010.
  5. Yokawa, H., Yashima, A., Sugito, M., Sawada, K., Kuse, M., Tanabe, A. and Nakayama, O., Deformation analysis of river dike on liquefiable ground affected by different earthquake motions, GeoShanghai 2010, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, pp.145-152, 2010.
  6. Moriguchi, S., Borja, R. I., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. and Oda, K., Discrete and continuum modeling of sand flow experiment, Proc. of the international symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics (IS-Shanghai 2010), From Micro to Macro, pp.531-536, Shanghai, China, 10-12, October, 2010.
  7. Yashima, A., Hara, T., Tsuji, S., Sawada, K. and Yoshida, M., Upgrading of existing stone guard fence by use of high-energy absorption net, Proc. of the 9th Internaltioanl Conference on Geosynthetics, pp.1359-1362, 2010.
  8. Hara, T., Tsuji, S., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. and Tatta, N., New application of pile foundation to reinforced soil structure, Proc. of the 9th Internaltioanl Conference on Geosynthetics, pp.1953-1956, 2010.
  9. Tsuji, S., Hara, T., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. and Yokota, Y., Additional reinforced embankment with vertical bearing piles, Proc. of the 9th Internaltioanl Conference on Geosynthetics, pp.1957-1960, 2010.
  10.  Oda, K., Moriguchi, S., Kamiishi, I., Yashima, A., Sawada, K. and Sato, A., Simulation of snow avalanche model test using computational fluid dynamics, International Symposium on Snow, Ice and Humanity in a Changing Climate, 2010.
  11.  Iwata, M., Yashima, A., Sawada, K., Hinokio, M. and Hayashi, H., Modification of subloading tij model for soft rock based on triaxial compression test, Proc. of the 9th Japan/Korea Joint Seminar on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.41-38,Osaka, 2010.
  12. Wan, L. J., Sawada, K., Yashima, A. and Furuta, R., Study on residential embankments extraction method based on satellite data, Proc. of the 9th Japan/Korea Joint Seminar on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.77-84,Osaka, 2010.
  13. Nonoyama, H., Moriguchi, S., Sawada, K. and Yashima, A., Applications for geotechnical problems using SPH method, Proc. of the 9th Japan/Korea Joint Seminar on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.127-134, Osaka, 2010.


   ・久世 益充

  1. Hiroshi YOKAWA, Atsushi YASHIMA, Masata SUGITO, Kazuhide SAWADA, Masumitsu KUSE, Akinori TANABE, and Osamu NAKAYAMA:Deformation Analyses of River Dike on Liquefiable Ground Affected by Different Earthquake Motions, Geo shanghai 2010.
  2. Masumitsu KUSE, Masata SUGITO and Shinji KAWADE:Simulation of Earthquake Motion at Near Field Region of the Past Disastrous Earthquakes, Ninth U.S. National and Tenth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Paper No.1403, 2010.


   ・魏 永芬

  1. ・西森基貴・小原裕三, 魏永芬:日本で使用された有機塩素系農薬類の北極域への移動に関するマルチメディアモデル解析, 環境工学研究論文集, 47, pp. 135-140, 2010.


   ・大西 健夫

  1. Onishi T., Yoh M., Shibata H., Nagao S., Kawahigashi M., and Shamov V.V. (2010): Topography as a macroscopic index for the dissolved iron productivity of different land cover types in the Amur River Basin, Hydrological Research Letters 4, 85-89
  2. 丸山利輔,橋本岩夫,千家正照,伊藤健吾,能登史和,大西健夫(2010): 北陸地方、砂丘地下安原地区における畑地灌漑用水の使用実態と特徴-ダイコン、スイカ栽培を事例として-.畑地農業 618号、pp.10-19
  1. 新井羊子,千家正照,伊藤健吾,大西健夫,西村四郎(2010): マルチ敷設に伴うカンキツ園の流出変化.Journal of Rainwater Catchment System, Vol.16, No.1, pp.27-32
  2. Maruyama T., F. Noto, T. Takahashi, K. Nakamura, and T. Onishi (2011): Assessment of environmental nitrogen pollution load potential from sewage treatment water in the Tedori River Alluvial Fan Area, Japan, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10333-010-0248-9
  3. Maruyama T., F. Noto, H. Takimoto, K. Nakamura, and T. Onishi (2011): Assessment of the long term variation in the nitrogen pollution load potential from farmland to groundwater in the Tedori River Basin, Japan, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-011-0254-6
  4. Komariah, K. Ito, T. Onishi, and M. Senge(2011): Soil properties affected by combinations of soil solarization and organic amendment, Paddy and Water Environment, DOI 10.1007/s10333-011-0253-7


   ・廣岡 佳弥子

  1. 葛口利貴・吉村千洋・小林慎也・廣岡佳弥子・李 富生(2010)ダム湖による河川の粒状有機物動態の変化と底生動物群集の関係. 環境工学研究論文集 47: 401-411.
  2. 原田宣男・李富生・廣岡佳弥子(2010)伊自良川における河床堆積微生物に対する重金属の影響評価. 環境工学研究論文集 47: 391-400.