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- 123 岩本 政巳,正木 智弘,杉戸 真太:地震動の継続時間がRC橋脚の耐震挙動に及ぼす影響,コンクリート工学年次論文集,Vol.36,No.2,pp.595-600,2014.
- 122 Makoto,K.,Masata,S.,Masumitsu,K.,Alexander,S.,and Masashi,H.:On the precursors to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake:crustal movements and electromagnetic signatures,Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk,2014.
- 121 久世益充・都竹延晃・岩崎真二郎・杉戸真太:高速道路路線における耐震化優先度評価に関する検討、土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) Vol.70、 No4 地震工学論文集第33巻、pp,I_219-I_226、2014.
- 120 久世益充・杉戸真太:地域固有の長周期地震動特性を考慮した地震動算定法の検討、土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学)、Vol.69、No.4、I291-I297、2013.
- 119 神山眞・杉戸真太・久世益充:地殻変動にみる3.11巨大地震の予兆 -地震予知を放棄すべきか?-,土木学会誌、Vol.97,pp.119~123,2012.
- 118 Kuse, M., Sugito, M., and Kondo, T.: Presumption of the long period-spectral characteristics due to the deep ground structure of local region for development of earthquake motion prediction, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, CD-ROM, 2012.
- 117 Furumoto, Y. and Sugito, M.: A Modeling Method for Seismic Hazard Intensity Map Considering Nonlinear Seismic Gain of Soil Layers on Inclined Basement, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, CD-ROM, 2012.
- 116 Ohashi,T. and Sugito, M.: A Countermeasure for Slope Safety Focusing on Earthquake Motion Amplification in Filling Valleys, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, CD-ROM, 2012.
- 115 藤川智・杉戸真太:振幅依存型の地盤増幅度の評価法、土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学)、Vol.67、No.2、pp.272-282、2011.
- 114 藤川智・杉戸真太:距離減衰式に用いるサイト増幅度に関する検討、第13回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集、pp.3881-3888、CD-ROM、2010.
- 113 Ohashi,T. and Sugito, M.: Slope Safety Assessment Focusing on Earthquake Motion Amplification in Filling Valleys, 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, CD-ROM, 2010.
- 112 Kuse, M., Sugito, M., and Kawade, S.: Simulation of Earthquake Motion Based on the Source Parameters Estimated from Reocords, 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid, CD-ROM, 2010.
- 111 岩本政巳・清水藤太・杉戸真太:地震動の周期特性、継続時間がRC建物の耐震挙動に及ぼす影響に関する基礎的検討、コンクリート工学年次論文集、Vol.32、No.2、pp.805-810、2010.
- 110 Kuse, M., Sugito, M., and Kawade, S.: Simulation of Earthquake Motion at Near Field Region of the Past Disastrous Earthquakes, Nineth U.S. National and Tenth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Paper Number 1403, CD-ROM, 2010.
- 109 余川弘至・田辺晶規・八嶋厚・杉戸真太・沢田和秀・久世益充・中山修・星加泰央:地震動の加速度振幅と継続時間が河川堤防の変形に及ぼす影響,日本地震工学論文集,第9巻,第5号,2009.
- 108 久世益充・杉戸真太・古本吉倫・川出真嗣・田口孝則:震源特性推定に基づいた2003年十勝沖地震の地震動算定,土木学会 地震工学論文集 第30巻,論文番号1-0007,pp.111-117, 2009.
- 107 大橋正・杉戸真太・古本吉倫:谷埋め盛土の谷直角方向地震動増幅特性が斜面安定に及ぼす影響、土木学会 地震工学論文集 第30巻、論文番号1-0004、2009
- 106 能島暢呂、久世益充、杉戸真太:地震動の空間相関を考慮した地震リスク評価に関する一考察、第1回地震リスクマネジメントと事業継続性(SRM&BCP)シンポジウム論文募集、CD-ROM、2009.
- 105 Furumoto,Y., Kuse,M., Kawade,S., and Sugito,M., Simulation of Non-Stationary Strong Ground Motions During Past Earthquakes Based on the Fault Parameters and the Spectral Characteristics of Recorded Acceleration, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China, Paper ID:07-0182, CD-ROM. Yashima, Sugito, Yokawa, Tanabe, Hoshika, Sekizawa May-08
- 104 Kuse,M., Sugito,M., and Nojima,N., Prompt Estimation of StrongGround Motion Near Focal Region Based on Fault Inversion from Acceleration Records, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China, Paper No.1031, CD-ROM.
- 103 Yashima, A., Sugito, M., Huang, Y., Nakayama, O., Tokiwa, S., Abe, T., and Sekizawa, G.: Countermeasures Against Liquefaction-Induced Large Settlement of River Levee, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper ID:1122, 2007.
- 102 Sugito, M., Yashima, A., Huang, Y., Nakayama, O., Tokiwa, S., Abe, T., and Sekizawa, G.: Liquefaction-Induced Settlement of River Levee due to Long/Short Ground Excitation, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper ID:1125, 2007.
- 101 Nojima, N., Shiratani, H. and Sugito, M.: Modeling Impact of Lifeline Disruption on the Industrial Sector in Earthquake Disaster, Ninth Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, June 2007.
- 100 Furumoto,Y.,Sugito,M.:A Basic Study On Making Seismic Hazard Map Considering Nonlinear Seismic Gain Of Soil Layers On Inclined Basement, 3rd International Workshop On New Frontier in Computational Geotechnics, IWS-Xian, 2006.
- 99 Furumoto,Y.,Saiki,Y.,Sugito,M.: On a Simple Modeling For Seismic Transfer Function Of Ground On Inclined Base Layer.Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion Grenoble, France,30, Paper Number 98, September 2006.
- 98 能島暢呂・松岡 昌志・杉戸真太・江崎賢一:地震動情報と人工衛星SAR画像情報の統合処理による建物全壊率の定量的推定手法の開発,土木学会論文集A,Vol.62, No.4,2006.10,pp.808-821.
- 97 古本吉倫・細木洋輔・杉戸真太:不整形構造を有する地盤における地震動伝達関数の簡易推定法,第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集、論文番号308(CD-ROM)、2006.11.
- 96 久世益充・杉戸真太 能島暢呂・榎本祐樹:中部地域を対象とした広域・詳細震度分布即時推定システムに関する検討,第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集、論文番号308(CD-ROM)、2006.11.
- 95 能島暢呂・久世益充・杉戸真太:2000~2005年の主な地震による震度曝露人口と住家・人的被害との相関に関する考察,自然災害科学,J.JSNDS25-2,pp165-182(2006)
- 94 Kuse,M., Sugito,M., Nojima,N., and Enomoto,Y.: Rapid Estimation of Seismic Intensity Distribution on the basis of Inversion for Huge Earthquake, Proc. First Eurpopean Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, Paper Number 914, 2006.9.
- 93 能島暢呂・太田裕・杉戸真太: 2000~2004年に岐阜県内で観測された計測震度の分析,第28回地震工学研究発表会,土木学会,論文番号054(論文),2005.8 (on CD-ROM)
- 92 久世益充・杉戸真太・能島暢呂: 2003年十勝沖地震におけるアスペリティ分布の推定,土木学会地震工学論文集,第28巻,土木学会,論文番号104(論文),2005.8 (on CD-ROM).
- 91 Sugito,M.: Comprehensive Forecast of Destructiveness for Huge Earthquakes in Subduction Zone of Japan, EE-21C, Skopje-Ohrid, Macedonia, on CD-ROM, Aug.27-Sept.1, 2005.
- 90 Yashima,A., Sugito,M., Nakayama,O., Tokiwa,S., Abe,T., and Miyamoto,M.: Comparative Study on Numerical Methods for Liquefaction-Induced Deformation on River Levee, EE-21C, Skopje-Ohrid, Macedonia, on CD-ROM, Aug.27-Sept.1, 2005.
- 89 Kuse,M., Sugito,M., and Nojima,N.: Inversion of Asperity of the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake of M8.0 and Estimation of Local Seismic Intensity Distribution, EE-21C, Skopje-Ohrid, Macedonia, on CD-ROM, Aug.27-Sept.1, 2005.
- 88 Furumoto,Y., Saiki,Y., and Sugito,M: A Simple Modeling for Seismic Transfer Function of Ground on Inclined Base Layer Based on Frequency-Dependent Equivalent Linearized Technique, EE-21C, Skopje-Ohrid, Macedonia, on CD-ROM, Aug.27-Sept.1, 2005.
- 87 Nojima,N. and Sugito,M.: Probalistic Assessment Model for Post-EarthquakeServiceability of Utility Lifelines and Its Practical Application, The 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Rome, Italy, June 19-23, 2005.
- 86 杉戸真太、久世益充:自治体のメッシュ地盤データを活用した東南海・東海地震の広域震度予測、土と基礎、第53巻、第5号、pp.26-28 (2005).
- 85 久世益充・杉戸真太:十勝沖地震の表面波の卓越分布と非定常スペクトルを用いたインバージョンによる震度推定精度,海溝型巨大地震を考える-広帯域強震動の予測-シンポジウム論文集,pp.35-42,2005.
- 84 杉戸真太・久世益充:東海、東南海地震による強震動シミュレーションと耐震検討事例,海溝型巨大地震を考える-広帯域強震動の予測-シンポジウム論文集,pp.91-94,2005.
- 83 能島暢呂、杉戸真太、久世益充、濱本剛紀:震度情報ネットワークによる震度曝露人工のリアルタイム推計、地域安全学会論文集、No.6、pp.181-190、2004.
- 82 能島暢呂・久世益充・杉戸真太・鈴木康夫:震度曝露人口による震災ポテンシャル評価の試み、自然災害科学、23-3、pp.363-380、2004.
- 81 Nojima,N. and Sugito,M.: Development of a Decision Support System for Post-Earthquake Emergency Management Using Synthetic Data Processing Technique, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver,B.C.,Paper No.401, 2004, on CD-Rom.
- 80 Kuse, M., Sugito, M., and Nojima, N.: Inversion of Source Process in Consideration of Filtered-Acceleration Envelope, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver,B.C., Paper No.665, 2004, on CD-Rom.
- 79 Yashima, A., Sugito, M., and Okada, H.: Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential by Frequency-Dependent Equivalent Linearized Technique, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver,B.C., Paper No.200, 2004, on CD-Rom.
- 78 Furumoto, Y., Sugito, M., and Yashiro, K.: A Simple Conversion Factor of Seismic Intensities from Engineering-Rock Surface to Soil Surface, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver,B.C., Paper No.686, 2004, on CD-Rom.
- 77 久世益充・杉戸真太・能島暢呂・柳生健治:周波数帯域を考慮した震源過程のインバージョン、土木学会論文集、No.759/Ⅰ-67、pp.409-414、2004.
- 76 Nojima, N. and Sugito, M., “Development of a Probabilistic Assessment Model for Post-Earthquake Residual Capacity of Utility Lifeline Systems, (Proc. of the 6th U.S. Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, August, 2003, TCLEE/ASCE Monograph No.25, eds. J. E. Beavers), Long Beach, CA, USA, pp.707-716.
- 75 久世益充・杉戸真太・能島暢呂:南海トラフの巨大地震を想定した広域震度予測,自然災害科学、22-1、pp.87-99、2003.
- 74 能島暢呂、杉戸真太、鈴木康夫、石川裕、奥村俊彦:震度情報に基づく供給系ライフラインの地震時機能リスクの二段階評価モデル、土木学会論文集、No.724/I-62、pp.225-238、2003.
- 73 能島暢呂、杉戸真太、金澤伸治:地震動情報と実被害情報の統合処理による緊急対応支援の数理モデル、土木学会論文集、No.724/I-62、pp.187-200、2003.
- 72 能島暢呂,杉戸真太,山根光雄:不規則振動論に基づく地震動予測モデルの応答スペクトル規定法,第11回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,paper No.119 (on CD-ROM) ,2002.
- 71 Y.Furumoto, M.Sugito, and A.Yashima: A Seismic Response FEM-Analysis ofGround with Inclined Base Layer by using Frequency-Dependent Equivalent Linearized Technique, Proc. of 1st International Workshop on New Frontiersin Computational Geotechnics, Banff, pp.155-162, September 2002.
- 70 能島暢呂,松岡昌志,杉戸真太,立石陽輝,金澤伸治:建物被災地域の早期把握のための震度分布と人工衛星SAR強度画像の統合処理手法,地域安全学会論文集,No.4, pp.143-150,2002.
- 69 R.Torregosa, M.Sugito, and N.Nojima: Assessment of Seismic Hazard andMicrozoning in the Philippines, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE, Vol.19, No.2, pp.25-41, 2002.
- 68 R.Torregosa, M.Sugito, and N.Nojima: Strong Motion Simulation for the Philippines Based On Seismic Hazard Assessment , Journal of Natural Disaster Science , Vol. 23, Number I, pp.35-51, 2001.
- 67 N.Nojima,Y.Ishikawa,T.Okumura,M.Sugito,A.Sawada,and Y.Suzuki: Empirical Estimation of Duration of Lifeline Disruption due to Earthquake Disaseter , Proc. of the Japan-U.S.Workshop on Disaster Risk Management for Urban Infrastructure Systems,Kyoto,Japan,(CD-ROM) , May,2001
- 66 N.Nojima, and M.Sugito: Sequential Estimation of Seismic Damage for Rapid Decision Making in Post-earthquake Emergency, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2001), Newport Beach, CA, USA, Swets & Zeitlinger (on CD-ROM),2001.
- 65 能島暢呂、杉戸真太、金澤伸治:被害情報の逐次処理による地震時緊急対応の意思決定支援モデル、土木学会論文集、No.682/I-56、pp.129-142、2001.
- 64 久世益充、杉戸真太、能島暢呂、古本吉倫:断層の破壊方向を考慮した即時広域強震動分布推定法の検討、JCOSSAR2000論文集、pp.229-236、2000.
- 63 能島暢呂、杉戸真太:被害発生率指標の不確定性を考慮したシステム信頼性解析、JCOSSAR2000論文集、pp.217-224、2000.
- 62 M.Sugito, F.Oka, A.Yashima, Y.Furumoto, and K.Yamada:Time-dependent Ground Motion Amplification Characteristics at Reclaimed Land after the 1995 Hyogoken Nambu Earthquake, Engineering Geology, Vol.56, Elsevier, pp.137-150, 2000.
- 61 M.Sugito, Y.Furumoto, and T.Sugiyama:Strong Motion Prediction on Rock Surface by Superposed Evolutionary Spectra Proc. of the 12th WCEE, CD-ROM, Oakland, New Zealand, 2000.
- 60 F.Oka, M.Sugito, A.Yashima, Y.Furumoto, and K.Yamada:Time Dependent Ground Motion Amplification at Reclaimed Land after The 1995 Hyogoken Nambu Earthquake Proc. of the 12th WCEE, CD-ROM, Oakland, New Zealand, 2000.
- 59 N.Nojima and M.Sugito:Simulation and Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Functional Performance of Transportation Network Proc. of the 12th WCEE, CD-ROM, Oakland, New Zealand, 2000.
- 58 Y.Furumoto, M.Sugito, and A.Yashima:Frequency-Dependent Equivalent Linerized Technique for FEM Response Analysis of Ground、Proc. of the 12th WCEE, CD-ROM, Oakland, New Zealand, 2000
- 57 Y.Kanaori, M.Sugito, and T.Yamamoto:House Damaging and Simulation of Ground Motions by the 1997 Magnitude 6.1 Northern Yamaguchi Prefecture Earthquake, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.21, No.2, pp.53-64, 1999.
- 56 N.Nojima and M.Sugito: Evaluation Model for Post-Earthquake System Performance of Transportation Network , Proc. of 6th Japan-U.S. Workshop on Urban Earthquake Hazard Reduction, Kobe, 1999.
- 55 N.Nojima and M.Sugito:Bayes Decision Procedure Model for Post-Earthquake Emergency Response The 5th U.S. Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Seattle, WA, pp.217-226, 1999.
- 54 Y.Furumoto, F.Oka, M.Sugito, A.Yashima, and Y.Fukagawa:Time Dependent Ground Motion Amplification Due to Liquefaction on Man-Made Island , 7th U.S.-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Constructions Against Liquefaction, Seattle, 1999.
- 53 M.Sugito, F. Oka, A.Yashima, and K.Yamada:Nonlinear Ground Motion Amplification at Reclaimed Borehole Stations Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geo-Mechanics, IS-Nagoya ’97, Pergamon, pp.641-646, 1997.
- 52 F.Oka, A.Yashima, M.Sugito, and Y.Taguchi:Three Dimensional liquefaction Analysis of Reclaimed Island 、Proc. of the Seventh International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, pp.665-670, 1997.
- 51 F.Oka, M.Sugito, A.Yashima, Y.Taguchi, K.Sekiguchi:Analysis of Strong Motion Records from the South Hyogo Earthquake of Jan.17, 1995、 Engineering Geology, Elsevier, Special Issue, Vol.43, pp.85-106, 1996.
- 50 M.Sugito, K. Sekiguchi, A.Yashima, F.Oka, Y.Taguchi, Y.Kato:Correction of Orientation Error of Borehole Strong Motion Array Records Obtained during the South Hyogo Earthquake of Jan.17, 1995、 Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering,Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.531/I-34,pp.51-63, 1996.
- 49 M. Sugito:Frequency Dependent Equivalent Strain for Equi-Linearized Technique Proc. of the First Inrternational Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Tokyo, pp.655-660, 1995.
- 48 T.Toshinawa, M.Sugito, J.B. Berrill:Ground Motion Characteristics in Alluvia Obtained by Microtremor Measurements Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Seismic Zonation, Nice, Vol.II, pp.1699-1706, 1995.
- 47 F.Oka, H.-B.Muhlhaus, A.Yashima, M.Sugito:Wave Propagation in the Ground Described by Strain-Gradient Dependent Constitutive Model、第9回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,Vol.1, pp.301-306, 1994.
- 46 Y.Furumoto, H.Taniguchi, M.Sugito, S.Medina:Development of Strong Motion Record Database on Workstation 第9回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,Vol.1, pp.235-240, 1994.
- 45 杉戸真太,清水義治,安田 進,増田民夫:地盤震動解析法の高精度化に関する研究-周波数依存型等価ひずみによる等価線形化手法の検討-第9回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,Vol.1, pp.367-372, 1994.
- 44 M.Sugito:Frequency-Dependent Equivalent Strain for Earthquake Response Analysis of Soft Ground、Proc. of Third Republic of China and Japan Joint Seminar on Natural Hazards Mitigation, Tainan, Taiwan, pp.409-422, 1993.
- 44 杉戸真太,合田尚義,増田民夫:周波数特性を考慮した等価ひずみによる地盤震動解析法に関する一考察,土木学会論文集,No.493/Ⅲ-27, pp.49-58, 1994.
- 43 M.Sugito, S.Sawada, S. Mori, S.Kataoka:Development of Strong Motion Array Record Database,Proc. of International Workshop on Strong Motion Data, Menlo Park, CA, Vol.1, pp.233-248, 1993.
- 42 M.Sugito:Recent Activities in Development of Strong Motion ArrayRecord Database in Japan, Proc. of the Tenth World Conference on EarthquakeEngineering, Madrid, pp.6923-6925, 1992.
- 41 M.Sugito, S.King, A.S.Kiremidjian, H.C.Shah:Modeling Nonlinear Ground Motion Amplification Factor by Local Soil Parameter Proc. of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Madrid, Vol.2, pp.1015-1018, 1992.
- 40 M.Sugito, A.S.Kiremidjian, H.C.Shah:A Simple Site-Dependent Ground Motion Estimation Method Including Nonlinear Amplification Effect, International Symposium on Natural Disaster Reduction and Civil Engineering, Osaka, pp.217-225, 1991.
- 39 M.Sugito, A.S.Kiremidjian, H.C.Shah:Nonlinear Ground Motion Amplification Factors based on Local Soil Parameters、Proc. of 4th International Conference on Seismic Zonation, Stanford, Vol.II, pp.221-228, 1991.
- 38 足立紀尚,D.D.Genske, 杉戸真太:補強土擁壁の耐震信頼度評価、JCOSSAR ’91(構造物の安全性・信頼性に関する国内シンポジウム) 論文集,pp.59-64, 1991.
- 38 D.D.Genske, T.Adachi, M.Sugito:Reliability Analysis of Reinforced Earth Retaining Structures Subjected to Earthquake Loading、Soils and Foundations, Vol.31, No.4, pp.48-61, 1991.
- 37 古田均,杉戸真太,山本信哉,白石成人:既存損傷構造物の耐震信頼性評価に関する基礎的研究,JCOSSAR ’91(構造物の安全性・信頼性に関する国内シンポジウム) 論文集,pp.51-58, 1991.
- 36 H.Kameda, M.Sugito, J.Isenberg, E.Richardson:Analysis of Strong Motion Array Record at Parkfield Pipeline Experiment Site in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake 第8回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, Vol.1, pp.529-534, 1990.
- 35 J.Isenberg, E. Richardson, H.Kameda, M.Sugito:Pipeline Response at Parkfield, CA. to Loma Prieta Earthquake, Proc. of Fourth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Palm Springs, Vol.1, pp.925-933, 1990.
- 34 M.Sugito, H.Kameda: Nonlinear Soil Amplification Model with Verification by Vertical Strong Motion Array Records、Proc. of Fourth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Palm Springs, Vol.1, pp.555-564, 1990.
- 33 O.Tsujihara, T.Sawada, M.Sugito:Identification of Subsurface Layers of the Ground by Using Vertical Array Records, Proc. of Fourth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Palm Springs, Vol.1, pp.395-404, 1990.
- 32 M.Sugito:Earthquake Motion Prediction and Microzonation with Nonlinear Soil Amplification Effect of Surface Geology, ASCE Structures Congress, Baltimore, pp.216-217, 1990.
- 31 亀田弘行,神田 仁,杉戸真太:震害要因とその経年的影響に基づく上水道の耐震健全度評価、構造工学論文集,Vol.36A,pp.813-825, 1990.
- 30 H.Kameda, M.Sugito, H.Kanda:Long-Term Effects of Earthquake Damage on Water Supply Pipelines, Proc. of Ninth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, Vol.VII, pp.VII-5~VII-10, 1988.
- 29 M.Sugito, H.Kameda:Modeling Nonlinear Soil Amplification of Earthquake Motion with Application to Random Structural Response、Proc. of Ninth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, Vol.II, pp.II-489~II-494, 1988.
- 28 後藤尚男,亀田弘行,杉戸真太,鈴木 裕:機械式およびディジタル強震計の記録精度について-SMAC強震計記録の補正法の検討-,京都大学防災研究所年報,第30号,B-2, pp.45-55, 1987.
- 27 M.Sugito, H.Goto, S.Takayama:Conversion Factor between Earthquake Motion on Soil Surface and Rock Surface with Nonlinear Soil Amplification Effect,第7回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.571-576, 1986.
- 26 杉戸真太,亀田弘行,後藤尚男,広瀬憲嗣:工学的基盤面と沖・洪積地盤面の地震動の変換係数-表層地盤の非線形特性を考慮した最大地動応答スペクトル,非定常スペクトルの推定モデル-、京都大学防災研究所年報,第29号,B-2, pp.41-58, 1986.
- 25 杉戸真太,亀田弘行,広瀬憲嗣:工学的基盤面と沖・洪積地盤面の地震動の変換係数-表層地盤の非線形特性を考慮した推定モデル-、構造工学論文集,Vol.32A, pp.789-799, 1986.
- 24 M.Sugito, H.Kameda:Prediction of Nonstationary Earthquake Motions on Rock Surface、Proc. of JSCE Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., Vol.2, No.2 (No.362),pp.149-159, 1985.
- 23 H.Kameda, M.Sugito:Earthquake Motion Uncertainty as Compared betweenSoil Surface and Rock Surface Motions–Characterization Using EvolutionaryProcess Model–、Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Brussels, Belgium, pp.1-6, 1985.
- 22 後藤尚男,杉戸真太,亀田弘行,得津明弘:強震記録に含まれるやや長周期波動の工学的特性とその予測に関する基礎的考察、京都大学防災研究所年報,第28号,B-2, pp.13-32, 1985.
- 21 H.Kameda, M.Sugito:Prediction of Strong Earthquake Motions on Rock Surface Using Evolutionary Process Models、Proc. of the Conference on Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil, pp.161-185, 1984.
- 20 M.Sugito, H.Goto, F.Aikawa:Simplified Separation Technique of Body and Surface Waves in Strong Motion Accelerograms、Proc. of JSCE Structural Eng./ Earthquake Eng., Vol.1, No.2 (No.350), pp.71-76, 1984.
- 19 M.Sugito, H.Kameda:Prediction of Near-Source Ground Motions for Great Earthquakes from Superposed Evolutionary Process Models,Proc. of the Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol.II, pp.509-516,1984.
- 18 後藤尚男,杉戸真太,亀田弘行,斉藤 宏,大滝 健:工学的基盤における地震動予測モデル(京都大学防災研究所年報,第27号, B-2, pp.19-48, 1984.
- 17 後藤尚男,杉戸真太,亀田弘行,磯田厚志、コンクリ-ト補剛部を有する有継手埋設管の地震時応力と継手変位の解析京都大学防災研究所年報,第26号,B-2, pp.51-73, 1983.
- 16 H.Goto, M.Sugito, H.Kameda, T.Okumura:Synthetic Ground Motion for Great Earthquakes from Superposed Evolutionary Process Model、 第6回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, pp.89-96, 1982.
- 15 H.Goto, M.Sugito, H.Kameda, A.Isoda:Microzonation of Ground Strain for Estimation of Earthquake Damage to Buried PipelinesThird International Earthquake Microzonation Conference, Seattle, Vol.Ⅲ,pp.1653-1664, 1982.
- 14 H. Kameda, M.Sugito, H.Goto:Microzonation and Simulation of Spatially Correlated Earthquake Motions, Third International Earthquake Microzonation Conference, Seattle, Vol.Ⅲ, pp.1463-1474, 1982.
- 13 後藤尚男,杉戸真太,亀田弘行,奥村俊彦:大規模断層破壊による地震動の推定、京都大学防災研究所年報,第25号, B-2, pp.33-52, 1982.
- 12 H.Goto, M.Sugito, H.Kameda, Y.Ishikawa:Seismic Response Analysis of Joint-Connected Buried Pipelines Including Bent Sections, Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. Vol.XLIV, Part 1, pp.182-221, 1982.
- 11 後藤尚男,亀田弘行,杉戸真太:地震動の最大地動予測におけるN値を用いた地盤条件の評価法について土木学会論文報告集,第317号, pp.69-78, 1982.
- 10 H.Goto, H. Kameda, M.Sugito:Attenuation and Estimation of Site-Dependent Earthquake MotionsJournal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.3, No.1, pp.15-31, 1981.
- 9 H.Kameda, H.Goto, M.Sugito, K.Asaoka:Seismic Risk and Performance of Water Lifelines, Symposium on Probabilistic Methods in Structural Engineering, ASCE EMD/STD, St.Louis, pp.179-195, 1981.
- 8 H.Goto, H.Kameda, S.Takada, M.Sugito:Earthquake Motion Estimation for Buried Lifelines、Specialty Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Oakland, CA. pp.321-334, 1981.
- 7 後藤尚男, 杉戸真太,亀田弘行,磯田厚志:埋設管の震害予測のためのマイクロゾ-ニングについて京都大学防災研究所年報,第24号, B-2, pp.23-46, 1981.
- 6 H.Kameda, M.Sugito, T.Asamura:Simulated Earthquake Motions Scaled for Magnitude, Distance and Local Soil Conditions、Proc. of the Seventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol.2,pp.295-302, 1980.
- 5 後藤尚男,亀田弘行,高田至郎,杉戸真太:埋設管の震害予測のための地震動の推定法について京都大学防災研究所年報,第23号 B-2, pp.13-27, 1980.
- 4 H.Kameda, H.Goto, M.Sugito, T.Asamura:Prediction of Nonstationary Earthquake Motions for Given Magnitude, Distance, and Specific Site Conditions、Proc. of the U.S National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, pp.243-252, 1979.
- 3 後藤尚男,亀田弘行,杉戸真太:非定常強震地震動の統計的予測モデル土木学会論文報告集,第286号, pp.37-51, 1979.
- 2 亀田弘行、杉戸真太:Prediction of Strong Earthquake Motions by Evolutionary Process Model、第5回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,pp.41-48, 1978.
- 1 後藤尚男,亀田弘行,杉戸真太,今西直人:ディジタルフィルタ-によるSMAC-B2加速度計記録の補正について、土木学会論文報告集,第277号,pp.57-69, 1978.
- 「阪神淡路大震災の被害分析に基づくコンクリート構造物の耐震性能照査方法の検証」 分担執筆,土木学会, pp.3-18 (2000).
- 「Engineering Geological Advances in Japan for the New Millennium」分担執筆, Elsevier, pp.145-158 (2000).
- 「コンクリート標準示方書、耐震性能照査編」分担執筆, 土木学会, pp.107-113他 (2002).
- 「阪神淡路大震災の被害分析に基づくコンクリート構造物の耐震性能照査方法の検証」、コンクリート技術シリーズ、分担執筆、土木学会(2002).
- 杉戸真太:「2003年に発生した地震によるコンクリート構造物の被害分析」分担執筆、土木学会、コンクリートライブラリー114、pp.I-1~I-4、Ⅲ-1~Ⅲ-11他(2004).
- 杉戸真太:直下地震による地盤震動の理解、土木学会誌、Vol.85、pp.31-32(2000)
- 杉戸真太:総説「海溝型巨大地震による強震動の特徴と被害の広域性」、電力土木、No.312、pp.3-8(2004)
- 杉戸真太:総説「海溝型巨大地震による強震動の特徴と東海地域の被害の広域性」、基礎工、Vol.32、No.10、pp.17-20(2004)
- 杉戸真太:中部総合地震防災システムシンポジウム開催報告、土と基礎、Vol.52、pp.62(2004)
- 杉戸真太:濃尾平野の地震被害予測-東海・東南海地震による強震動の特徴と被害の広域性-、土と岩、No.53、pp.7-12(2005)
- 杉戸真太:海溝型巨大地震災害を考える、「KISSO」、Vol.53、pp.12-14(2005)