
  ・小泉 博

  1. Yashiro Y., Mariko S. and Koizumi H. (2006) Emission of nitrous oxide through a snowpack in ten types of temperate ecosystem in Japan. Ecological Research 21: 776-781.
  2. Adachi M., Konuma H. and Koizumi H. (2006) Differences in soil respiration between different tropical ecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology (in press).
  3. Satomura T., Hashimoto Y. and Koizumi H. (2006) Effect of evergreen understory bamboo on the seasonal pattern of fine root demography in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in central Japan. Ecological Research 21: 741-753.
  4. Uchida M., Nakatsubo T., Muraoka H. and Koizumi H. (2006) Estimation of the annual primary production of the lichen Cetrariella delisei in a glacier foreland in the high Arctic, Ny-Alesund, Svarbard. Polar Research 25: 39-49.
  5. Itoh A., Muraoka H., Koizumi H. and Yamamoto S. (2006) Seasonal variation in leaf properties and ecosystem carbon budget in a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest: simulation analysis at Takayama site, Japan. Ecological Research 21:137-149.
  6. Ohtsuka T., Mo W., Satomura T., Inatomi M. and Koizumi H. (2006) Biometric based carbon flux measurements and net ecosystem production (NEP) in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest beneath a flux tower. Ecosystems
  7. Adachi M., Ohtsuka T., Nakatsubo T. and Koizumi H. (2006) Methane flux from high arctic glacier foreland in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. Polar Bioscience 20: 131-139.
  8. Lee M.-S., Mo W., and Koizumi Hiroshi (2006) Soil respiration of forest ecosystems in Japan and global implications. Ecological Research 21: 828-839.
  9. Ohtsuka T., Mo W., Uchida M., Sako H. and Koizumi H. (2006) Slash-and-burn agriculture in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation: effect of fire on nutrients and soil emissions of carbon dioxide. Elsevier Oceanography Series 73: 405-426.
  10. Muraoka h. and Koizumi H. (2006) Leaf and shoot ecophysiological properties and their role in photosynthetic carbon gain of cool-temperate deciduous forest trees. Elsevier Oceanography Series 73: 417-443.


  ・村岡 裕由

  1. Muraoka H and Koizumi H (2006) Leaf and shoot ecophysiological properties and their role in photosynthetic carbon gain of cool-temperate deciduous forest trees. In: Kawatata H and Awaya Y (eds.) Global climate change and response of carbon cycle in the Equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans and adjacent landmasses. Elsevier Oceanography series vol. 73, Elsevier, pp.417-443
  2. 村岡裕由(2006)「雑草の生理生態 -光合成のための資源の獲得と利用」『雑草生態学』(根本正之編)朝倉書店,pp. 12-41
  3. 三上寛了・西田顕郎・村岡裕由(2006)魚眼デジタルカメラ画像による林冠の開空域の自動識別と葉面積指数の推定。写真測量とリモートセンシング45:13-22
  4. Uchida M., Nakatsubo T., Muraoka H. and Koizumi H. (2006) Estimation of the annual primary production of the lichen Cetrariella delisei in a glacier foreland in the high Arctic, Ny-Alesund, Svarbard. Polar Research 25: 39-49.
  5. Noda H., Muraoka H. and Washitani I. (2007) Phenological changes in respiration rate and annual carbon balance in a perennial herbaceous plant, Primula sieboldii. Journal of Plant Research  DOI 10.1007/s10265-006-0066-8


  ・景山 幸二

  1. Villa, O. N., Kageyama, K., Asano, T. and Suga, H.: Phylogenetic relationships of Pythium and Phytophthora species based on ITS rDNA, cytochrome oxidase II and b-tublin gene sequences. Mycologia 98: 410-422, 2006.
  2. Kageyama, E., Katayama, M., Masui, Y., Kageyama, K. and Kawabata, Y.: Synthesis and plant growth-regulating activities of L-lactic acid derivatives of 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid. J. Pestic. Sci. 31: 130-138, 2006.
  3. Ahonsi, O. M. and Kageyama, K.: Simultaneous detection of Phytophthora nicotinae and Pythium helicoides using multiplex species-specific SCAR primers. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, pp. 64-65, 2006.
  4. Ahonsi, O. M. and Kageyama, K.: Development of RAPD-derived SCAR makers for specific PCR detection of Phytophthora nicotianae. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, pp. 75-76, 2006.
  5. Ahonsi, O. M., Yin-Ling and Kageyama, K.: Development of a SCAR-PCR assay for identification and detection of Pythium helicoides. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, pp. 77-78, 2006.
  6. Zhou, W., Kageyama, K., Li, F. and Yuasa, A.: Monitoring of microbiological water quality by real-time PCR, Environmental Technology, 2007 in press.


  ・西篠 好廸

  1. 張 福平・秋山 侃・魏 永芬・西條好廸・河合洋人・バガナ:衛星複合画像を用いた竹・樹木混生林の判読,写真測量とリモ-トセンシング,45(2)5-15,2006


  ・藤田 裕一郎

  1. Ecohydraulics of a stream-swamp system in a micro drainage basin, Toyohiko Kiroko and Yuichiro Fujita, 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, CD-ROM, 2007, pp.245-248.
  2. Quantitative evaluation for physical structure of excellent microhabitat in gravel bed rivers, Seiei Mizukami, Yuichiro Fujita, Keisuke Ohashi and Masanori Kosuge, 6th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, CD-ROM, 2007, pp.645-648.
  3. 面積高度曲線に基づいた流域特性と土砂流出特性に関する考察,大橋慶介・藤田裕一郎,水工学論文集,第51巻,2007年2月,pp.913-918.
  4. 1次元河床変動計算に関する実測データに基づく考察,新庄高久・藤田裕一郎・大橋慶介,水工学論文集,第51巻,2007年2月,pp.937-942.


湯浅 晶

  1. E.W. Irianto, A.Yuasa, P. Sudjono, A.Heriansyah:Identification of the priority areas for water pollution control strategy in the upstream watershed of the Citarum River by AHP-GIS method, Proceedings of the 10th International Specialized Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Sustainable Basin Management, International Water Association, Poster Presentation R-35, pp. 1-9 (2006)
  2. 李富生,田中秀典,片峯由裕,湯浅晶:固定層活性炭カラムによるNOM と17βエストラジオールの除去特性の検討,環境工学研究論文集,Vol. 43, pp. 83-93 (2006)
  3. Fusheng Li, Reni Desmiarti, Akira Yuasa, Yutaka Suzuki :Aerobic and anaerobic biotransformation of 17β-estradiol in sedimented mud cores, Environmental Engineering Research, Vol. 43, pp. 619-627 (2006)
  4. Eko.W.Irianto, A.Yuasa, P.Sudjono:Application study of Landsat images to support the water quality management on polluted reservoirs in Java Island, Oral Presentation Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, pp. 155-162 (2006)
  1. Eko.W.Irianto, A.Yuasa, B.Machbub, P.Sudjono:The influence of cascade reservoirs in the Citarum watershed to the water quality of Citarum river, Poster Presentation Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, pp. 17-24 (2006)
  2. Eko.W.Irianto, A.Yuasa, D.Suherman, P.Sudjono:Appropriate technology of early warning system to improve the efficiency of treatment process at the Cisirung wastwater treatment plant , Poster Presentation Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, pp. 25-32 (2006)
  3. Weili Zhou, Tsuyoshi Imai, Masao Ukita, Fusheng Li and Akira Yuasa:Effect of limited aeration on the anaerobic treatment of evaporator condensate from a sulfite pulp mill, Chemosphere, Vol. 66, pp. 924-929 (2007)
  4. Weili Zhou, Tsuyoshi Imai, Masao Ukita, Fusheng Li and Akira Yuasa:Effect of loading rate on granulation process and granular activity in a bench scale UASB reactor, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 98, pp. 1386-1392 (2007)
  5. Orawan Rattanawong, Lupong Kaewsichan, Nurak Grisdanurak, Akira Yuasa:Sorption of oil emulsified in water on oil palm fibers, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 67-71 (2007)



  1. 張 福平・秋山 侃・魏 永芬・西條好廸・河合洋人:衛星複合画像を用いた竹・樹木混生林の判読、写真測量とリモートセンシング、第45巻2号, pp.5-15.(2006) 
  2. 蔡 斌・秋山 侃・魏 宏:航空機レーザ計測による広葉樹林の樹高、樹冠面積の抽出、 写真測量とリモートセンシング、第45巻3号, pp.4-11. (2006)
  3. 川村健介・秋山 侃・横田浩臣・安田泰介・梅村和弘:牛用に開発された首式顎運動計測装置(バイトカウンター)の羊への応用、 日本草地学会誌、第52巻3号, pp.144-148. (2006)
  4. Sakai, T., Akiyama, T., Saigusa, N., Yamamoto, S. and Yasuoka, Y.:The contribution of gross primary production of understory dwarf bamboo, Sasa senanensis, in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaved forest in central Japan. Forest Ecology and Management. Vol.236, No.2-3, pp.259-267. (2006)
  5. Kojima, T., Akiyama, T., Shinoda, S. and Moriuchi, Y.:Estimation of the crown densities with remote sensing. Fifth Workshop on Remote Sensing of Hydrological Processes & Applications. pp.67-72. (2006)
  6. Kojima, T. ,Akiyama, T., Maki M.: The Estimation of Crown Densities with the Linear Mixel Analysis of Remote Sensing Images, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region (3rd APHW) “Wise Water Resource Management towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction”, Bangkok, 16-18 October, 2006, CD-ROM, 2006.
  7. 牧 雅康・児島利治・秋山 侃:森林生態研究におけるASTER DEM の利用可能性、日本リモートセンシング学会誌、第27巻1号, pp.39-45.(2007)
  8. 秋山 侃:2.流域圏とリモートセンシング. ALOSデータを用いた利用普及のための検討(JX-PSPC-207930)成果報告書、日本リモートセンシング学会委託事業、 pp.6-11. (2007) 


・児島 利治

  1. Kojima, T. Akiyama T., Maki M.: The Estimation of Crown Densities with the Linear Mixel Analysis of Remote Sensing Images, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region (3rd APHW) “Wise Water Resource Management towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction”, Bangkok, 16-18 October, 2006, CD-ROM, 2006.
  2. T. Kojima, T. Akiyama, S. Shinoda and Y. Moriuchi: The Estimation of Crown Densities with Remote Sensing Data, 第5回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ論文集,pp. 67-72, 2006.
  3. 牧 雅康,児島利治,秋山 侃: 森林生態研究におけるASTER DEM利用の可能性,日本リモートセンシング学会誌,Vol. 27, No. 1, pp.39-45, 2007.


  ・沢田 和秀

  1. Huang,Y., Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A. and Zhang,F., Numerical assessment of the effect of reinforcement on the performance of reinforced soil dikes, Geotextiles and geomembranes, Vol.24, pp.169-174. (2006)
  2. Sawada,K., Moriguchi,S., Yashima,A., Goshima,M., Inoue,S. and Nishida,Y., CIP-based numerical simulation for large deformation problems considering the interaction between geomaterial and rigid body, Proc. 6th European conference on numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, Austria, pp.713-720. (2006)
  3. 小嶋正樹, 杉井俊夫, 八嶋 厚, 沢田和秀, 森口周二,GISをデータベースとしたロジット解析による危険斜面の対策優先順位付け,地盤工学ジャーナル,Vol. 1 No. 3,pp.33-43. (2006)
  4. 鷲見 武富, 八嶋 厚, 沢田 和秀, 森口 周二, 小嶋 正樹,すべり・落下・転倒を対象としたきれつ性岩盤斜面の簡易安定性評価手法,土木学会論文集,Vol. 63 ,No. 1,pp.188-206.(2006)
  5. 八嶋厚,沢田和秀, 五島麻希,森口周二,井上昭一,西田陽一,武藤隆則,上野弘平,金田文一,吉田眞輝,伊藤正俊,地盤材料の特性を生かした落石・土砂防護壁の実大規模衝撃実験,第15回調査・設計・施工技術研究報告会発表論文集,pp.7-14. (2006)
  6. 森口周二,八嶋 厚,沢田和秀,CIP法を用いた地盤材料の大変形解析,第11回日本計算工学講演会論文集,pp.153-154 (2006)


  ・久世 益充

  1. 久世益充・杉戸真太・能島暢呂・榎本祐樹:中部地域を対象とした広域・詳細震度分布即時推定システムに関する検討,第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム,論文番号308 (CD-ROM),2006.11.
  2. Masumitsu KUSE, Masata SUGITO, Nobuoto NOJIMA and Yuuki ENOMOTO: Rapid Estimation of Seismic Intensity Distribution on the Basis of Inversion for Huge Earthquake, First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, Paper No.914 (CD-ROM), 2006.9.
  3. 能島暢呂・久世益充・杉戸真太:2000~2005年の主な地震による震度曝露人口と住家・人的被害との相関に関する考察,自然災害科学,Vol.25,No.2,pp.165-182, 2006.