・大塚 俊之
- Yashiro, Y., Kadir, W.R., Okuda, T. and Koizumi.H. The effects of logging on soil greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) flux in a tropical rain forest, Peninsular Malaysia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. in press.
- Yashiro, Y., Kadir, W.R., Adachi, M. Okuda, T. and Koizumi, H. (2007) Emission of nitrous oxide from tropical forest and plantation soils in Peninsular Malaysia. Tropics 17, 17-23.
- 近藤美由紀, 内田昌男, 小泉 博 (2007) 安定同位体分析を用いた呼吸起源. CO2の再固定過程(CO2 recycling)の評価. システム農学. 23, 327-337.
- Adachi, M., Ohtsuka, T., Nakatubo, T. and Koizumi, H. (2007) Methane flux from high arctic glacier foreland in Ny-?lesund, Svalbard. Polar Bioscience 20; 131-139.
- Ohtsuka, T., Mo, W., Satomura, T., Inatomi, M. and Koizumi, H. (2007) Biometric based carbon flux measurements and net ecosystem production (NEP) in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest beneath a flux tower. Ecosystems 10; 324-334.
・景山 幸二
- Suga, H., Karugia, G. W., Ward, T., Gale, L. R., Tomimura, K.,Nakajima, T., Miyasaka, A., Koizumi, S., Kageyama, K. and Hyakumachi, M. (2008) Molecular characterization of the Fusarium graminearum species complex in Japan. Phytopathology 98-159-166.
- 杉山 悟・佐藤豊三・森脇丈治・景山幸二・忠 英一 (2008) Colletotorichum acutatumによるワレモコウ炭疽病(新称).北日本病虫研報 58: 86-89.
- 渡辺秀樹・加藤吉成・亀嶋 哲・丹羽智彦・上野 麗・堀之内勇人・田口義広・景山幸二・百町満朗 (2008) 鉢花の底面吸水栽培における銀セラミックスを用いた水媒伝染性病害の防除.関西病虫研報. 50:87-89.
- 鈴木幹彦・景山幸二・外側正之・内山 徹 (2008) スイートピーに発生したPythium ultimum Trow var. ultimumによる立枯病(病原追加). 関西病虫研報. 50: 111-113.
- 鈴木幹彦・景山幸二・外側正之・内山 徹 (2008) 新たに発生したムラサキオモト株腐病(新称). 関東東山病虫研報. 55: 85-87.
- 鈴木幹彦・景山幸二・外側正之・内山 徹 (2008) 新たに発生したディネマ疫病(新称). 関東東山病虫研報. 55: 89-92.
- Watanabe, H., Kageyama, K., Taguchi, Y., Horinouchi, H. and Hyakumachi, M. (2008) Bait method or detect Pythium species that grow at high temperatures in hydroponic solutions. J. Gen. Plant Path. 74: 417-424.
- Yin-Ling, Zhou W., Motohashi K., Suga H., Fukui H. and Kageyama, K. (2009) Development of microsatellite markers for Pythium helicoides. FEMS Microbiol.. Let. 293: 85-91.
- Senda, M., Kageyama, K., Suga, H. and Levesque, A. (2009) Two new species of Pythium, P. senticosum and P. takayamanum, isolated from cool-temperate forest soil in Japan. Mycologia (in press).
・西條 好廸
- 河合洋人・西條好廸・秋山 侃・張 福平(2008)モウソウチク地下茎の年間伸長量と成長様式の解明,日本森林学会誌 90(3):151-157.
- 後藤誠二朗・巳嘎那・河合洋人・張 福平・賈 書剛・西條好廸・秋山 侃(2008)アロメトリ-式から求めた地上部現存量と林分構成による放棄竹林の構造解析,システム農学会誌,24(4):223-232.
- 後藤誠二朗・巳 鹿嘎那・河合洋人・張福平・渡辺修・西條好廸・秋山侃(2008)放棄竹林生態系の現存量ならびに炭素貯留量の推定に関する研究,システム農学会誌,24(4):243-252.
・村岡 裕由
- Muraoka H. and Koizumi H. (2008) "Satellite Ecology" for linking ecology, remote sensing and micrometeorology from plot to regional scales for ecosystem structure and function study. Journal of Plant Research 122:3-20
- Nasahara K.N., Muraoka H., Nagai S. and Mikami H. (2008) Vertical integration of leaf area index in a Japanese deciduous broad-leaved forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 1136-1146
- 玉川一郎・吉野純・加納利生・安田孝志・村岡裕由・児島利治・石原光則・永井信・斎藤琢・李美善・牧雅康・秋山侃・小泉博(2008)生態プロセスとリモートセンシングを結ぶモデルの開発。システム農学 24: 129-136
- 永井信・奈佐原(西田)顕郎・石原光則・村岡裕由(2008)衛星観測で得られた植生指数に対する生理生態学的な考察。システム農学 24: 183-190.
・藤田 裕一郎
- Kenji SAWADA, Yuichiro FUJITA, Keisuke OHASHI (2008), An idea on normal flow discharge of a small sized river draining a low laying area ― In case of the Shinbori river, a tributary of the Nagara river In Gifu City, 8th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Nagoya.
- Keisuke Ohashi, Yuichiro Fujita (2008), Sediment transportation estimated with potential energy trough tributaries confluence all over river system ― Sediment Transportation Estimated with Potential Energy through Tributaries Confluence, , 8th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Nagoya.
- 大橋慶介・藤田裕一郎(2008),土砂流出ポテンシャルパワーに基づく流域地質構造と土砂流出量の考察,水工学論文集,第53巻,2009年2月,pp. 667 -612
・玉川 一郎
- 玉川一郎, 吉野純, 加野利生, 安田孝志, 村岡裕由, 児島利治, 石原光則, 永井信, 斎藤琢, 李美善, 牧雅康, 秋山侃, 小泉博,(2008), 生態プロセスとリモートセンシングを結ぶモデルの開発, システム農学 (J. JASS), 24(2), pp.129-136
- Saitoh T. M., Tamagawa I., Lee M-S., Yoshino J., Muraoka H. and Koizumi H. (2008) Flux measurements, analysis and modeling at TKC (Takayama evergreen coniferous forest) site: A contribution to SATECO. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium of 21st Century COE Program “Satellite Ecology”. pp. 23-26.
- Yoshino J., Muraoka H., Nagai S., Ishihara M., Saitoh T.M., Kojima T., Lee M-S., Noda H., Nakata J., Tamagawa I., Akiyama T., Koizumi H. and Yasuda T. (2008) SATECO model: coupling mesoscale meteorological and ecosystem models with RS-derived landscape information. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium of 21st Century COE Program “Satellite Ecology”. pp.81-84.
・李 富生
- Fusheng Li, Jun Tsumori, Yutaka Suzuki and Hiroaki Tanaka (2008) Vertical distribution of nonylphenol ethoxylates and their derivatives in sediments of a freshwater reservoir. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 189: 265–277.
- Fusheng Li, Reni Desmiarti, Akira Yuasa, Akihiro Horio (2008) Behavior of natural estrogens in semicontinuous activated sludge biodegradation reactors. Bioresource Technology 99: 2964–2971.
- Fusheng Li, Akira Yuasa and Hidenori Tanaka (2008) Adsorption and biotransformation of 17 beta-estradiol in biological activated carbon adsorbers. Adsorption 14: 389-398.
- Desmiarti Reni, Fusheng Li, Toshiyuki Kawaguchi, Chihiro Yoshimura (2008) Behavior of natural estrogens in sediment: Column studies and model evaluation. Environmental Engineering Research 45: 535-545.
- 原田宣男,李富生,伊藤真弥,片峯由裕,吉村千洋 (2008) 平板培養法とリアルタイムPCR法による長良川水系微生物密度の検討. 環境工学研究論文集 45: 407-414.
- 笹島康宏,吉村千洋,李富生 (2008) 土地利用と河川の大腸菌ファージ濃度の関係-岐阜市における事例-. 環境工学研究論文集 45: 379-387.
・秋山 侃
- Fukuo, A., Akiyama, T., Mo, W-H., Kawamura, K., Chen, Z-Z., and Saito, G. (2008) Spectral detection of grazing degradation in the Xilingol Steppe, Inner Mongolia. Journal of Integrated Field Science, Vol.5, pp.29-40.
- 秋山 侃, Wahid D.A. (2008) ALOS/AVNIR-2 による流域圏の土地被覆分類. 衛星リモートセンシング推進委員会ホームページ. 陸域観測技術衛星「だいち(ALOS)」観測データを活用した先駆的解析成果 http://www.restec.or.jp/eeoc/index.html
- 児島利治,秋山 侃,石原光則,Wahid D.A. (2008) 流域圏の構造と機能の空間分布. システム農学, Vol.24, No.2, pp.121-128.
- 石原光則, Lee Y., Abdullah H.M., 後藤誠二朗, 車戸憲二, 秋山 侃 (2008) 流域植生のフェノロジー解析. システム農学, Vol.24, No.2, pp.113-119.
- 玉川一郎, 吉野 純, 加野利生, 安田孝志, 村岡裕由,児島利治,石原光則,永井 信,斎藤 琢, 李 美善,牧 雅康,秋山 侃,小泉 博 (2008) 生態プロセスとリモートセンシングを結ぶモデルの開発. システム農学, Vol.24, No.2, pp.129-136.
- 秋山 侃, 児島利治, 石原光則 (2008) 21世紀COE研究「衛星生態学創生拠点」のめざすところ. システム農学, Vol.24, No.2, pp.137-142.
- Evri, M., Akiyama, T., and Kawamura, K. (2008) Spectrum analysis of hyperspectral red edge position to predict rice biophysical parameters and grain yield. Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol.47, No.2, pp.4-15.
- 田中真哉, 後藤誠二朗, 牧 雅康, 秋山 侃, 村元靖典, 吉田一昭 (2008) 出穂から開花期における地上および航空機ハイパースペクトルデータを用いた小麦の葉身クロロフィル濃度の推定とその評価.写真測量とリモートセンシング, Vol.47, No.2, pp.39-49.
- 河合洋人・西條好廸・秋山 侃・張 福平 (2008) モウソウチク地下茎の年間伸長量と成長様式の解明. 日本森林学会誌, Vol.90, No.3, pp.151-157.
- Yamaji, T., Sakai, T., Endo, T., Baruah, P., Akiyama, T., Saigusa, N., Nakai, Y., Kitamura, K., Ishizuka, Y., and Yasuoka, Y. (2008) Scaling-up technique for net ecosystem productivity of deciduous broadleaved forests in Japan using MODIS data. Ecological Research, Vol.23, No.4, pp.765 -775.
- Akiyama, T., Kojima, T., and Ishihara, M. (2008) Remote sensing in “Satellite Ecology”, the achievements and future perspectives. (Plenary) Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium of 21st Century COE Program. “Integrating and scaling processes for plot to landscape ecosystem study” -toward the interdisciplinary understanding and networking-SATECO 2008, p.7-10. Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
- Nagai, S., Nasahara, N.K., Muraoka, H., Akiyama, T. and Tsuchida, S. (2008) Criterion of NDVI for spring leaf expansion and autumn defoliation in a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest. Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. 21st Century COE Program. SATECO 2008, p.15-18. Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
- Ishihara, M., Nagai, S., Nasahara, N.K. and Akiyama, T. (2008) Observation of annual phenology pattern using digital images in a deciduous broad-leaved forest. Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. 21st Century COE Program. SATECO 2008 p.19-22. Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
- Yoshino, J., Muraoka, H., Nagai, M., Ishihara, M., Saito, T.M., Kojima, T., Lee, M-S., Noda, H., Nakata, J., Tamagawa, I., Akiyama, T., Koizumi, H. and Yasuda, T. (2008) SATECO model: coupling mesoscale meteorological and ecosystem models with RS-derived landscape information. Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. 21st Century COE Program. SATECO 2008 p.81-84. Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
- Wei, Y., Nishimori, M., Kobara, Y. and Akiyama, T. (2008) Development of global scale multimedia contaminant fate model: Incorporating paddy field compartment. Science of the Total Environment, Vol.406, pp.219-226.
- 後藤誠二朗, バガナ, 河合洋人, 張 福平, 渡辺 修, 西條好迪,秋山 侃 (2008) アロメトリー式から求めた地上部現存量による放棄竹林の構造解析. システム農学, Vol.24, No.4, 223-232.
- 後藤誠二朗, バガナ,河合洋人, 張 福平,渡辺 修,西條好迪,秋山 侃 (2008) 放棄竹林生態系の現存量ならびに炭素貯留量の推定に関する研究. システム農学, Vol.24, No.4, pp.243-252.
- Abdullah H.M., Ishihara, M. and Akiyama, T. (2008) Observing biomass change of an agro-ecosystem from ground and space. 29th Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, (Proceedings in CD-ROM, PS-2-6)
- Tanaka, S., Ishihara, M., Goto, S., Maki, M., Akiyama, T., Muramoto, Y. and Yoshida, K. (2008) Estimation of leaf chlorophyll concentration in winter wheat at heading to anthesis using IKONOS data. 29th ACRS, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Proceedings in CD-ROM, PS-1-6)
- Ishihara, M., Wahid, D.A. and Akiyama, T. (2008) Verification of seasonal variation pattern of MODIS/NDVI according to mixture ratio of vegetation types. 29th ACRS, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (Proceedings in CD-ROM, PS-2-13)
- Akiyama, T., Ishihara, M. and Wahid, D.A. (2008) Seasonal patterns of MODIS/NDVI at different altitude zones in Takayama forest. 29th ACRS, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (Proceedings in CD-ROM, PS-2-14)
- 秋山 侃 (2008) 宇宙からみた農業の形. 前田・三宅・井上編, 作物の形態研究法. -ミクロからマクロまで- 日作紀, 127-129.
- Wahid, D. A., Akiyama, T. and Ishihara, M. (2009) Mapping LAI of paddy using ground observation data and classified seasonal ASTER/VNIR data at Takayama, Japan Asian Journal of Geoinformatics. (accepted)
- Sakai, T., Muraoka, H., Akiyama, T., Shibayama, M. and Awaya, Y. (2009) Quantitative analysis of canopy photosynthesis influenced by light simulation models. Forest Canopies: Forest Production, Ecosystem Health and Climate Conditions, Ed. JD Creighton and PJ Roney, NOVA Publishers, USA (accepted)
- Akiyama, T. and Ishihara, M. (2009) Satellite Ecology, an attempt to link remote sensing with ecology for river basin studies. Journal of Integrated Field Science, Vol.6, (accepted)
- 粟屋善雄・高橋與明・清野嘉之(森林総合研究所)・齋藤英樹(森林総合研究所九州支所)・島田政信(JAXA)・I Nengah Surati Jaya・M Buce Saleh(ボゴール農大)(2009) PALSARデータを用いた土地被覆の判読-東日本の事例-.森林学会関東支部講演論文集
・児島 利治
- KOJIMA, T., Study on hydrological processes at the Daihachigagawa river basin, focused on canopy interception and rainfall runoff simulation, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium of 21st Century COE Program “Satellite Ecology”, pp.27-30, 2008.
・杉戸 真太
- Kuse,M., Sugito,M., and Nojima,N., Prompt Estimation of Strong Ground Motion Near Focal Region Based on Fault Inversion from Acceleration Records, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China, Paper ID:01-1031, CD-ROM.
- Hurumoto,Y., Kuse,M., Kawade,S., and Sugito,M., Simulation of Non-Stationary Strong Ground Motions During Past Earthquakes Based on the Fault Parameters and the Spectral Characteristics of Recorded Acceleration, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China, Paper ID:07-0182, CD-ROM.
・沢田 和秀
- D. Aminata, A. Yashima, K. Sawada, E. Sung, K. Sugimori and S. Inoue, New protection wall against rockfall using a ductile cast iron panel, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol.30, No.1, pp25-33, 2008.
- 沢田 和秀, 八嶋厚, 森口周二, 前田英史, 横田善弘, 西村淳, 松本七保子, 間昭徳, 黄雨: 自然共生型補強土河川護岸工法の開発,土木学会論文集C,Vol.64,No.3,pp.440-455,2008.
- 沢田 和秀, 野々山栄人, 八嶋厚, 森口周二: 斜面崩壊土砂の挙動予測解析へのSPH法の適用,混相流,Vol.22,No.4,pp.339-347,2008.
- Moriguchi. S., Ronald I. Borja, Yashima. A. and Sawada. K., Estimating the impact force generated by granular flow on a rigid obatruction, Acta Geotechnica, SpringerVolume4.Issue1, pp57-71,(2009)
- 小嶋 正樹, 鷲見 武富, 山口 誠, 八嶋 厚, 沢田 和秀, 森口 周二: ボーリングコアから得られるデータを利用した岩盤斜面のスクリーニング手法の提案, 地盤工学ジャーナル, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.47-57. 2009.
- Yashima. A., Sawada. K. and Sumi. T., A Simple safety assessment for jointed rock slope, Japan-Egypt Symposium New Horizons in Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering ,Geotechnical Engineering Research Laboratory ,Tanta University, TANTA,EGYPT, pp141-150, (September,2008)
- Huang. Y., Yashima. A., Sawada. K., and Zhang. F., Numerical assessment of the seismic response of an earth embankment on liquefiable soils, Bull Eng Geol Environ, 67:, pp.31-39 (2008)
・久世 益充
- Masumitsu KUSE, Masata SUGITO and Nobuoto NOJIMA:Prompt Estimation of Strong Ground Motion Near Focal Region Based on Fault Inversion from Acceleration Records, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Paper No.03-01-0052, 2008.
- Yoshinori FURUMOTO, Masumitsu KUSE, Shinji KAWADE, Masata SUGITO:Simulation of Non-Stationary Strong Ground Motions During Past Earthquakes Based on the Fault Parameters and the Spectral Characteristics of Recorded Accelerogram, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, Paper No.07-0182, 2008.