・大塚 俊之
- Yahiro Y, Shizu Y, Adachi T, Ohtsuka T, Lee N-Y, Iimura Y, Koizumi H (2012) The effect of dense dwarf bamboo (Sasa senanensis) understory on soil respiration before and after clearcutting of cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest. Ecological Research 27, 577-586.
- 飯村康夫・廣田充・井田秀行・大塚俊之 (2012) 志賀高原カヤノ平ブナ成熟林における土壌有機物の特徴. 信州大学教育学部附属志賀自然教育研究施設研究業績 49 : 1 -5.
- 志津庸子・曽出信宏・八代裕一郎・小泉博・大塚俊之 (2012) 落葉広葉樹林皆伐後の初期遷移における林分構造の変化. 植生学会誌 29, 15-26.
- Iimura Y, Hirota M, Ida H, Ohtsuka T (in press) Comparison of quantity and quality of soil organic carbon between matured and gap areas in an old-growth beech forest. Journal of Geography.
・吉竹 晋平
- 関根有哉・吉竹晋平・友常満利・増田莉菜・小泉博(2013)冷温帯シバ草原におけるCO2フラックスの温暖化に対する応答 -赤外線ヒーター法を用いた野外温暖化操作実験による検証― 地学雑誌(印刷中).
- Tomotsune M, Yoshitake S, Watanabe S, Koizumi H. (2013) Separation of root and heterotrophic respiration within soil respiration by trenching, root biomass regression, and root excising methods in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan. Ecological Research 28 (2): 259-269.
- Yoshitake S, Fujiyoshi M, Watanabe K, Masuzawa T, Nakatsubo T, Koizumi H (2013) Successional changes in the soil microbial community along a vegetation development sequence in a subalpine volcanic desert on Mount Fuji, Japan. Plant and Soil 364 (1-2): 261-272.
・景山 幸二
- 庄 得鳳・李 蓮花・立松 翼・長岡史祥・中野浩平・景山幸二・福井博一: ノイバラ(Rosa multiflora)の根に含まれるフェノール化合物とバラ根腐病抵抗性との関係.園学研 11:153-158, 2012.
- Uematsu, S., Kageyama, K., Moriwaki, J. and Sato, T.: Colletotrichum carthami comb. nov., an anthracnose pathogen of safflower, garland chrysanthemum and pot marigold, revived by molecular phylogeny with authentic herbarium specimens. J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 78:316-330, 2012.
- Zhuang, F., Aoki, Y., Kageyama, K. and Fukui, H.: Development of species-specific SCAR markers for identification of rose specie, Rosa mutiflora. J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 82:78-82, 2013.
・村岡 裕由
- Nagai S., Saitoh T.M., Kobayashi H., Ishihara M., Suzuki R., Motohka T., Nasahara K.N. and Muraoka H. (2012) In situ examination of the relationship between various vegetation indices and canopy phenology in an evergreen coniferous forest, Japan. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33:6202-6214
- Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Yoshino J., Muraoka H., Saigusa N., and TamagawaI. (2012) Functional consequences of differences in canopy phenology for the carbon budgets of two cool-temperate forest types: simulations using the NCAR/LSM model and validation using tower flux and biometric data. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 15: 19-30
- Inoue T., Nagai S., Inoe S., Ozaki M., Sakai S., Muraoka H. and Koizumi H. (2012) Seasonal variability of soil respiration in multiple ecosystems under the same physical-geographical environmental conditions in central Japan. Forest Science and Technology 8: 52-60
- Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Noda H.M., Muraoka H. and Nasahara K.N. (2012) Examination of the extinction coefficient in the Beer-Lambert law for an accurate estimation of the forest canopy leaf area index. Forest Science and Technology 8:67-76
- Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Saigusa N., Kobayashi H., Suzuki R., Nasahara K.N. and Muraoka H. (2012) Assessing the use of camera-based indices for characterizing canopy phenology in relation to gross primary production in a deciduous broad-leaved and an evergreen coniferous forest in Japan. Ecological Informatics doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf2012.05.001.
- Thanyapraneedkul J., Muramatsu K., Daigo M., Furumi S., Soyama N., Nasahara K.N., Muraoka H., Noda H.M., Nagai S., Maeda T., Mano M. and Mizoguchi Y. (2012) A vegetation index to estimate terrestrial gross primary production capacity for the Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C)/second-generation global imager (SGLI) satellite sensor. Remote Sensing 4: 3689-3720
- Potithep S., Nagai S., Nasahara K.N., Muraoka H. and Suzuki R. (2012) Two separate periods of the LAI-VIs relationships using in situ measurements in a deciduous broadleaf forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 169: 148-155
- Muraoka H., Noda H.M., Nagai S., Motohka T., Saitoh T.M., Nasahara K.N. and Saigusa N. (2012) Spectral vegetation indices as the indicator of canopy photosynthetic productivity in a deciduous broadleaf forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, doi:10.1093/jpe/rts037 (in press)
- Saitoh T.M., Tamagawa I., Muraoka H., Kondo H. (2012) An analysis of summer evapotranspiration based on multi-year observations including extreme climatic conditions over a cool-temperate evergreen coniferous forest, Takayama, Japan. Hydrological Processes, DOI:10.1002/hyp.9834 (in press)
- Nagai S., Nakai T., Saitoh T.M., Busey R.C., Kobayashi H., Suzuki R., Muraoka H., Kim Y. (2013) Seasonal changes in camera-based indices from an open canopy black spruce forest in Alaska, and comparison with indices from a closed canopy evergreen coniferous forest in Japan. Polar Science, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polar.2012.12.001 (in press)
- Noh NJ, Kim C., Bae SW, Lee W-K, Yoon TK, Muraoka H. and Son Y. (2013) Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a Pinus densiflora forest with low and high stand densities. Journal of Plant Ecology (in press)
- Chung H., Muraoka H., Nakamura M., Han S., Muller O. and Son Y. (2013) Experimental warming studies on tree species and forest ecosystems: A literature review. Journal of Plant Research (in press)
- Noda H.M., Motohka T., Murakami K., Muraoka H. and Nasahara K.N. (2013) Accurate measurement of optical properties of narrow leaves and conifer needles with a typical integrating sphere and spectroradiometer. Plant Cell Environment, doi:10.1111/pec.12100 (in press)
・藤田 裕一郎
- 原田守啓・高岡広樹・大石哲也・萱場祐一・藤田裕一郎(2013) 平面形状の異なる帯工周辺の河床変動特性に関する実験的研究,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.64, No.4(水工学論文集第57巻),2013年2月, pp. I_1177-I_1182.
- 原田守啓・高岡広樹・大石哲也・萱場祐一・藤田裕一郎(2013) 設置角度の異なる越流型上向き水制の河床変動特性に関する実験的研究,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.64, No.4(水工学論文集第56巻),2013年2月, pp. I_1189-I_1194.
・玉川 一郎
- Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Yoshino J., Muraoka H., Saigusa N., and Tamagawa I., Functional consequences of differences in canopy phenology for the carbon budgets of two cool-temperate forest types: simulations using the NCAR/LSM model and validation using tower flux and biometric data. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, vol.15, no.1, pp.19-30, 2012
- Morotomi, K., T. Shinoda, Y. Shusse, T. Kouketsu, T. Ohigashi, K. Tsuboki, H. Uyeda, and I. Tamagawa, 2012: Maintenance mechanisms of a precipitation band formed along the Ibuki-Suzuka Mountains on September 2-3, 2008. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, vol.90, pp.737-753, 2012
・李 富生
- Desmiarti R., Li, J., Li, F.S. (2012) Behavior of natural estrogens in reservoir: investigations based on continuous flow experiments and model analysis. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 223, 3307–3320.
- MURATA, M., AOKI, N., LI, F.S., YONEKAWA, H., MOTOYAMA, N. (2012) Effect of pre-coagulation condition on ceramic membrane filtration. 土木学会論文集G(環境),68 (7), III_59-68.
- HUANG, K., LI, F.S., LI, J., HELARD, D. and HIROOKA, K. (2012) Rapid vermicomposting of fresh fruit and vegetable wastes using earthworm eisenia foetida. 土木学会論文集G(環境),68 (7), III_113-120.
- HELARD, D., FAJRI, J.A., SETIYAWAN, A.S., LI, F.S., YAMADA, T., HORIO, A., HUANG, M. and KAWAGUCHI, T. (2012) Formation and role of bacterial community in he sediment bed of open channel receiving johkasou effluent: Multivariate statistical analysis interpretation. 土木学会論文集G(環境),68 (7), III_1-11.
- Guo, X., Li, F.S., Helard, D. and Kawaguchi, T. (2012) Biodegradation of Natural Estrogens by Biofilms from Biological Activated Carbon: Effect of Temperature. Journal of Water Resource and Protection 4, 913-921.
- Li, J., Samsey, A., Li, W., Kawaguchi, T., Wei, Y., Desmiarti R. and Li, F.S. (2013) Behavior of Cesium in Dam Reservior-Investigation Based on Sediment Columns, Journal of Water Resource and Protection 5, 124-132.
・廣岡 佳弥子
- Osamu Ichihashi*, Kayako Hirooka* (2012) Removal and recovery of phosphorus as struvite from swine wastewater using microbial fuel cell, Bioresource Technology, 114, 303–307 (*co-first authors).
- Kui Huang, Fusheng Li, Jiefeng Li, Denny Helard, Kayako Hirooka, (2012) Rapid Vermicomposting of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wastes Using Earthworm Eisenia foetida, 土木学会論文集G(環境), 68(7), 113-120.
- Shinta Indah, Hirotaka Tanaka, Fusheng Li, Kayako Hirooka, Michal Zielina (2012) Behaviour of Somatic and F-specific Coliphages in Slow Sand Filter, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 10(1), 69-78.
- 市橋 修, 廣岡 佳弥子 (2012) 新技術―「微生物燃料電池を用いた廃水からのエネルギー回収型リン回収システム」開発への取り組み, 月刊「水」, 2012, 9月号, 16-20.
- 廣岡 佳弥子, 市橋 修 (2012) 微生物燃料電池を用いた廃水からのエネルギーとリンの同時回収, 化学工学, 76(11), 692-694.
・粟屋 善雄
- 福田夏子・粟屋善雄・児島利治 (2012) LiDARとQuickbirdのデータを用いた森林植生タイプの分類―高山市大八賀川流域の事例-.システム農学雑誌, 28(4), 115-122.
- Tanaka, S., Takahashi, T., Saito, H., Awaya, Y., Iehara, T., Matsumoto, M., Sakai, T. (2012) Simple method for land-cover mapping by combining multi-temporal Landsat ETM+ images and systematically sampled ground truth data: A case study in Japan. Journal of Forest Planning, 18:77-85.
- 高橋與明・粟屋善雄・田中真哉 (2013) 航空機LiDARによるスギ・ヒノキ林分の平均樹高橋與明, 粟屋善雄, 田中真哉高推定-レーザ点密度を変えた場合の事例-.九州森林研究, 66, 19-22.
・児島 利治
- 児島利治, 篠田成郎, M. Golam MAHBOOB, 大橋慶介,降雨遮断モデルによる実時間洪水予測精度の高度化に関する検討,河川技術論文集, Vol. 18, pp435 – 440, 2012.
- Edwina Zainal, Keisuke OHASHI, Masaki SAKURAI, Toshiharu KOJIMA, Seirou SHINODA, Long Term Variable Properties of Runoff Process in a Mountainous Forested Catchment, Advances in River Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 18, pp.471 – 476, 2012.
- Keisuke Ohashi1, Kazuki Ihara, Shingo Yasuda, Toshiharu Kojima, Seirou Shinoda, Grain Sizing Survey on River Bed by Computational Photography, Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB 2012), 2012 .
- 福田夏子, 粟屋善雄, 児島利治, LiDARとQuickbirdのデータを用いた森林植生タイプの分類-高山市大八賀川流域の事例-,システム農学, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 115-122, 2012.
・杉戸 真太
- Ohashi,T. and Sugito, M.: A Countermeasure for Slope Safety Focusing on Earthquake Motion Amplification in Filling Valleys, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, CD-ROM, 2012.
- Furumoto, Y. and Sugito, M.: A Modeling Method for Seismic Hazard Intensity Map Considering Nonlinear Seismic Gain of Soil Layers on Inclined Basement, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, CD-ROM, 2012.
- Kuse, M., Sugito, M., and Kondo, T.: Presumption of the long period-spectral characteristics due to the deep ground structure of local region for development of earthquake motion prediction, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisboa, CD-ROM, 2012.
- 神山眞・杉戸真太・久世益充:地殻変動にみる3.11巨大地震の予兆 -地震予知を放棄すべきか?-,土木学会誌、Vol.97,pp.119~123,2012.
・沢田 和秀
- Moriguchi S., Nagayama T., Sawada K. and Yashima A., A study on a model error of DEM, Proc. of 6th International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, pp.13-29, ISBN978-4-87797-190-8, 2012.
- Sawada K., Moriguchi S. & Yashima A., A simulation of a real snow avalanche, Proc. of 6th International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics, pp.49-52, ISBN978-4-87797-190-8, 2012.
- T. Hara, M. Yoshida & K. Sawada:A new type reinforced soil structure with inserting pile foundation, Proc. of the 5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics(搭載決定)2012.
- T. Hara, S. Tsuji, M. Yoshida & K. Sawada:(Keynote paper)Development of Piled Geo-wall (New type reinforced soil wall), Proc. of 2nd Intl. Conference on Geotechnique, Construction, Material & Environment, pp. 22-29, 2012.
- T. Hara, S. Tsuji, M. Yoshida, S. Ito & K. Sawada:Development of a new type reinforced soil wall, Proc. of the 5th European Geosynthetics Congress (搭載決定)2012.
- Yashima A., Moriguchi S., Uzuoka R., Nonoyama H. and Sawada K., Large deformation analysis for costal geodisasters using continuum and discrete modeling, Proc. of International Symposium on Coastal Engineering Geology, pp.13-29, 2012.
- 髙木朗義, 本城勇介, 倉内文孝, 浅野憲雄, 原隆史, 沢田和秀, 森口周二, 北浦康嗣, 八嶋厚, 岐阜県飛騨圏域を対象とした道路斜面のリスクマネジメント:落石災害を対象として, 土木学会論文集C, Vol. 68, No.2, pp.109-122, 2012.
- 野々山栄人, 沢田和秀, 森口周二, 八嶋厚, 伊東和也, SPH法による実大規模斜面掘削実験の二次元再現解析, 地盤工学ジャーナル, Vol.7, No.4, pp.543-555, 2012
・久世 益充
- 久世益充・杉戸真太,地域固有の長周期地震動特性を考慮した地震動算定法の検討,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学) Vol69, No4 地震工学論文集第32巻,2013.(印刷中)
・魏 永芬
- NDVIに基づいた中国西北部五省における植生被覆の時空間変化の解析:李旭譜、張福平、胡猛、魏永芬,乾燥地区農業研究,Vol. 30-5, 180-185, 2012.
- Behavior of Cesium in Dam Reservior-Investigation Based on Sediment Columns: Jiefeng Li, Alif Samsey, Wenhan Li, Toshiyuki Kawaguchi, Yongfen Wei, Reni Desmiarti, Fusheng Li, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2013, 5, 124-132.
・吉山 浩平
- Sze-Bi Hsu, Chiu-Ju Lin, Chin-Hao Hsieh, and K. Yoshiyama; “Dynamics of phytoplankton communities under photoinhibition.” Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (in press).
- J.P. Mellard, K. Yoshiyama, C.A. Klausmeier, and E. Litchman; “Experimental test of phytoplankton competition for nutrients and light in poorly mixed water columns.” Ecological Monographs (2012) 82:239–256.
・川口 倫由
- Denny HELARD, Joni A. FAJRI, Ahmad S. SETIYAWAN, Fusheng LI, Toshiro YAMADA, Akihiro HORIO, Ming HUANG, Toshiyuki KAWAGUCHI:「Formation and role of bacterial community in the sediment bed of open channel receiving johkasou effluent: Multivariate statistical analysis interpretation」, 土木学会論文集G(環境),Vol. 68, No. 7,III_1-11, (2012)
- Jiefeng Li, Alif Samsey, Wenhan Li, Toshiyuki Kawaguchi, Yongfen Wei, Reni Desmiarti, Fusheng Li:「Behavior of Cesium in Dam Reservior- Investigation Based on Sediment Columns」, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 5, 124-132, (2013)