・大塚 俊之
- Falster, DS , RA Duursma, MI Ishihara, DR Barneche, RG FitzJohn, A Vårhammar, M Aiba, M Ando, N Anten, MJ Aspinwall, JL Baltzer, C Baraloto, M Battaglia, JJ Battles, B Bond-Lamberty, M van Breugel, J Camac, Y Claveau, L Coll, M Dannoura, S Delagrange, J-C Domec, F Fatemi, W Feng, V Gargaglione, Y Goto, A Hagihara, JS Hall, S Hamilton, D Harja, T Hiura, R Holdaway, LS Hutley, T Ichie, EJ Jokela, A Kantola, JW G Kelly, T Kenzo, D King, BD Kloeppel, T Kohyama, A Komiyama, J-P Laclau, CH Lusk, DA Maguire, G le Maire, A Mäkelä, L Markesteijn, J Marshall, K McCulloh, I Miyata, K Mokany, S Mori, RW Myster, M Nagano, SL Naidu, Y Nouvellon, AP O’Grady, KL O’Hara, T Ohtsuka, N Osada, OO Osunkoya, PL Peri, AM Petritan, L Poorter, A Portsmuth, C Potvin, J Ransijn, D Reid, SC Ribeiro, SD Roberts, R Rodríguez, A Saldaña-Acosta, I Santa-Regina, K Sasa, NG Selaya, SC Sillett, F Sterck, K Takagi, T Tange, H Tanouchi, D Tissue, T Umehara, H Utsugi, MA Vadeboncoeur, F Valladares, P Vanninen, JR Wang, E Wenk, R Williams, F de Aquino Ximenes, A Yamaba, T Yamada, T Yamakura, RD Yanai, and RA York (2015) BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants. Ecology 96; 1445 http://doi.Org /10.1890 /14-1889.1
- Suchewaboripont V, Ando M, Iimura Y, Yoshitake S, Ohtsuka T (2015) The effect of canopy structure on soil respiration in an old-growth beech-oak forest in central Japan. Ecological Research 30; 867−877
- Nagai S, Inoue T, Ohtsuka T, Yoshitake S, Nasahara NK, Saitoh TM (2015) Uncertainties involved in leaf fall phenology detected by digital camera. Ecological Informatics 30; 124-132
・吉竹 晋平
- Yoshitake S., Fujiyoshi M., Masuzawa T., Koizumi H. (2016) Substrate limitation to soil microbial communities in a subalpine volcanic desert on Mount Fuji, Japan. European Journal of Soil Biology, 73: 34–45.
・景山 幸二
- Baten, Md A., Li, M., Motohashi, K., Ishiguro, Y., Rahman, M. Z., Suga, H., Kageyama, K.: Two new species, Phytopythium iriomotense nov. and P. aichiense sp. nov., isolated from river water and water purification sludge in Japan. Mycol Progress DOI 10.1007/s11557-015-1027-1, 2015.
- Miyake, N., Naga, H., Kato, S., Matsusaki, M., Ishikawa, H., Kageyama, K.: Detection of damping-off of Cape gooseberry caused by Pythium aphanidermatum and its suppression with phosphonate. J. Gen. Plant Path. 81:192–200, 2015.
- Li, M., Ishiguro, Y., Kageyama, K., Zhu, Z.: A simple method for normalization of DNA extraction to improve the quantitative detection of soil-borne plant pathogenic oomycetes by real-time PCR. Lett Appl Microbiol 61:179–185, 2015.
- Rahman, M. Z., Uematsu, S., Kimishima, E., Kanto, T., Kusunoki, M., Motohashi, K., Ishiguro, Y., Suga, H., Kageyama, K.: Two plant pathogenic species of Phytophthora associated with stem blight of Easter lily and crown rot of lettuce in Japan. Mycoscience 56:419–433, 2015.
- Rahman, M. Z., Uematsu, S., Suga, H., Kageyama, K.: Diversity of Phytophthora species newly reported from Japanese horticultural production. Mycoscience 56: 443–459, 2015.
- Rahman,M. Z., Abdelzaher, H. M. A., Li, M., Motohashi, K., Suga, H., Kageyama, K.: Pythium rishiriense nov. from water and P. alternatumsp. nov. from soil, two new species from Japan. EMS Microbiol Lett 362: DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/femsle/fnv086 fnv086, 2015.
・村岡 裕由
- Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Yoshino J., Kondo H., Tamagawa I. and Muraoka H. (2015) Effects of canopy phenology on deciduous overstory and evergreen understory carbon budgets in a cool-temperate forest ecosystem under ongoing climate change, Ecological Research 30: 267-277, DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1229-z(昨年度にオンライン出版済み)
- Noda H.M., Muraoka H., Nasahara K.N., Saigusa N., Murayama S. and Koizumi H. (2015) Phenology of leaf morphological, photosynthetic, and nitrogen use characteristics of canopy trees in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at Takayama, central Japan. Ecological Research 30: 247-266, DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1222-6(昨年度にオンライン出版済み)
- Noh NJ., Kuribayashi M., Saitoh T.M., Nakaji T., Nakamura T., Hiura T. and Muraoka H. (2016) Responses of soil, heterotrophic, and autotrophic respiration to experimental open-field soil warming in a cool-temperate deciduous forest. Ecosystems 19: 504-520, DOI: 10.1007/210021-015-9948-8
- Uchida M., Muraoka H. and Nakatsubo T. (2016) Sensitivity analysis of ecosystem CO2 exchange to climate changes in High Arctic tundra using an ecological process-based model. Polar Biology 39: 251-265
- Noh NJ., Lee SJ., Jo W., Han S., Yoon TK., Chung H., Muraoka H. and Son Y. (2016) Effects of experimental warming on soil respiration and biomass in Quercus variabilis Blume and Pinus densiflora et Zucc. seedlings. Annals of Forest Science, DOI 10.1007/s13595-016-0547-4
・斎藤 琢
- Noh N.-J., Kuribayashi M., Saitoh T.M., Nakaji T., Nakamura M., Hiura T., Muraoka H. (2016) Responses of soil, heterotrophic, and autotrophic respiration to experimental open-field soil warming in a cool-temperate deciduous forest, Ecosystems, 19, 504-520, DOI 10.1007/s10021-015-9948-8
- Nagai S., Inoue T., Ohtsuka T., Yoshitake S., Nasahara K.N., Saitoh T.M. (2015) Uncertainties involved in leaf fall phenology detected by digital camera. Ecological Informatics, 30, 124-132, DOI 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2015.10.005
- Nagai S., Nasahara K.N., Inoue T., Saitoh T.M., Suzuki R. (2015) Review: advances in in situ and satellite phenological observations in Japan. International Journal of Biometeorology, DOI:10.1007/s00484-015-1053-3
- Saitoh T.M., Nagai S., Yoshino J., Kondo H., Tamagawa I., Muraoka H. (2015) Effects of canopy phenology on deciduous overstory and evergreen understory carbon budgets in a cool-temperate forest ecosystem under ongoing climate change, Ecological Research, 30, 267-277, DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1229-z
- Ito A., Saitoh T.M., Sasai T. (2015) Synergies between observational and modeling studies at the Takayama site: toward a better understanding of terrestrial ecosystem processes, Ecological Research, 30, 201-210, DOI 10.1007/s11284-014-1205-7
・玉川 一郎
- Shimojima Eiichi, Tamagawa Ichiro, Horiuchi Masato, Woodbury Robert J., Turner Jeffrey V. (2016) Observation of water and solute movement in a saline, bare soil, groundwater seepage area, Western Australia. Part 2. Annual water and solute balances. Soil Research 54, 78–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/SR14340
・原田 守啓
- Rahma Yanda, Morihiro Harada, and Ichiro Tamagawa (2016) The Effects of Sediment Supply on Hydraulic Characteristics of Flow over the Imbricated Cobbles, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 72(4):613-618.
- 原田守啓,萱場祐一 (2015) 河川中上流域の河床環境に関する研究動向と課題, 応用生態工学, 18(1):3-18.
- 永山滋也,原田守啓,萱場祐一 (2015) 河川地形の生息場の分類~河川管理への活用に向けて~, 応用生態工学, 18(1):19-34.
- 原田守啓,高岡広樹,大石哲也,萱場祐一 (2015) 扇状地の中小河川における部分拡幅工法の有効性, 河川技術論文集, 21:253-258.
- 大石哲也,原田守啓,高岡広樹,萱場祐一 (2015) 中小河川における河川環境に配慮した河道設計支援ツールの開発, 河川技術論文集, 21:7-12.
- 池田茂,片桐浩司,大石哲也,原田守啓,萱場祐一 (2015) 河道掘削後の河川氾濫原の変化過程に関する考察, 河川技術論文集, 21:247-252.
・李 富生
- Joni A. FAJRI, Toshiro YAMADA, Ahmad S. SETIYAWAN, Fusheng LI (2015), Evaluation of water and sediment quality in open channels that receive effluent from Johkasou facilities, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 207-219.
- Xiaoyong Fu, Kui Huang, Guangyu Cui, Xuemin Chen, Fusheng Li, Xiaoyu Zhang, Fei Li (2015), Dynamics of bacterial and eukaryotic community associated with stability during vermicomposting of pelletized dewatered sludge, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, Volume 104, pp. 452–459.
- 村田直樹, 青木伸浩, 本山信行, 李富生 (2015), 膜ろ過高度浄水処理システムに関する研究,環境システム計測制御学会誌, Vol. 20, No. 2/3, pp. 11-18.
- Hongjie GUI, Haixia DU, Fusheng LI, Yongfen WEI and Toshiro YAMADA (2015), Characteristics of NOM released from soil under different pH conditions: physicochemical properties and activated carbon absorbability, 土木学会論文集G (環境), Vol. 71, No.7, pp. 315-322.
- Haixia DU, Fusheng LI, Chunhua FENG (2015), Comparison of the performance of microbial fuel cell for treatment of different vegetable liquids and potato solid with different sizes, 土木学会論文集G (環境), Vol. 71, No.7, pp. 379-387.
- Xiaoyong Fu, Guangyu Cui, Kui Huang, Xuemin Chen, Fusheng Li, Xiaoyu Zhang, Fei Li, Earthworms facilitate the stabilization of pelletized dewatered sludge through shaping microbial biomass and activity and community, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 4522-4530, March 2016.
・粟屋 善雄
- オウスチンビリゴ・粟屋善雄 (2015) 中国内モンゴルのエジナ河・居延三角州における土地被覆変化の特徴.システム農学, 31(3):67-79.
・児島 利治
- Edwina Zainal and Kojima Toshiharu, Investigation of long term evapotranspiration factor by using Hamon equation and NDVI data in forest area, Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference Indonesia-Malaysia- Bangladesh-Ireland 2015, Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia, 27-28 April 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, pp. 110-119, 2015.
- 大橋慶介,神谷浩二,児島利治,河川水位モニタリングによる扇状地河川からの地下水涵養量の予測,土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 72,No. 4,I_253-I258,2016.
・杉戸 真太
- Masumitsu KUSE, Masata SUGITO, Estimation of the strong motion generation area based on the acceleration envelope of records from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Proceedings of the Tenth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper Number 164, Sydney, Australia, 2015.
- 久世益充・杉戸真太:東京湾周辺における周期数秒レベルの長周期地震動特性の評価と地震動算定,第35回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,B11- 793,2015.
- 久世益充・中野克哉・杉戸真太:東京湾周辺における長周期地震動特性評価と地震動算定,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会,I-484,967-968,2015.
- 能島暢呂・久世益充:震度継続時間の予測モデルの2014年長野県神城断層地震への適用と検証,第70回土木学会年次学術講演会,I-071,141-142,2015.
・小山 真紀
- 太田裕・小山真紀 (2015) 2011年東日本大震災に伴う人間被害の激甚性 既往地震群との対比でみる死者発生の年令等依存性. 日本地震工学会論文集, 15, 2, 11-24.
- 石田敦子・小山真紀・岡橋さやか・高橋央明・LIN Meiling・小川真寛・二木淑子 (2015) 紅茶課題によるKinectを用いた高齢者の動作能力スクリーニングに向けた予備的研究. システム制御情報学会論文誌, 28, 6, 287-289.
- 秦吉弥・湊文博・常田賢一・小山真紀・鍬田泰子・山田雅行 (2015) 強震動予測および歩行実験に基づく津波避難困難地域の評価―和歌山県串本町を例として―. 土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 71, 2, I_671-I_676.
- 土肥裕史・奥村与志弘・小山真紀・清野純史 (2015) 2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波における避難者発生シミュレーション~石巻市門脇地区を対象として~. 土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), 71, 4, I_823-I_831.
- 小山真紀・湯浅亮・奥村与志弘・土肥裕史・清野純史 (2015) 要援護者を考慮したDEMによる避難シミュレーションプログラムの開発と南あわじ市阿万塩屋町中西地区におけるケーススタディ. 日本地震工学会論文集, 15, 5, 5_41-5_59.
- 四井早紀・小山真紀・古川愛子・清野純史 (2015) 東日本大震災における福島県内市町村を対象とした避難ルート特性と死亡率の分析. 地域安全学会論文集, 27, 85-93.
- 土肥裕史・ 奥村与志弘・小山真紀・清野純史 (2015) 地震の揺れに伴う屋外への退避行動と津波避難開始の関係性に関する研究. 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 71, 2, I_1609-I_1614.
・久世 益充
- Masumitsu KUSE, Masata SUGITO, Estimation of the strong motion generation area based on the acceleration envelope of records from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Proceedings of the Tenth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper Number 164, Sydney, Australia, 2015.
- 久世益充・杉戸真太:東京湾周辺における周期数秒レベルの長周期地震動特性の評価と地震動算定,第35回地震工学研究発表会講演論文集,B11- 793,2015.
- 久世益充・中野克哉・杉戸真太:東京湾周辺における長周期地震動特性評価と地震動算定,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会,I-484,967-968,2015.
- 能島暢呂・久世益充:震度継続時間の予測モデルの2014年長野県神城断層地震への適用と検証,第70回土木学会年次学術講演会,I-071,141-142,2015.
・魏 永芬
- Hongjie Gui, Kazuki Yoshimura, Fusheng Li, Yongfen Wei, Toshiro Yamada, Molecular weight and florescence characteristics of natural organic matter released from forest soil, Proceedings of the 5th Forum on Studies of the Environmental & Public Health Issues in Asian Mega-Cities, pp. 225-229, Nov. 31, 2015 (Xiamen).
- Hongjie GUI, Haixia DU, Fusheng LI, Yongfen WEI and Toshiro YAMADA, Characteristics of NOM released from soil under different pH conditions: physicochemical properties and activated carbon absorbability, 土木学会論文集G(環境),71, No.7, III_315-III_322, 2015.
- SU Yubo, ZHANG Fuping, Ma Qianqian, Wei Yongfen, Li Guangwen, Ma qian-qian,Song Zhiyuan: Estimates of alpine Grassland Biomass and spatial distribution characteristics of typical small watershed of Qilian Mountain. Journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), Vol.43, No.2, pp. 79-84, 2015. (in Chinese with English summary)
・石黒 泰
- A. Baten, M. Li, K. Motohashi, Y.Ishiguro, M. Z. Rahman, H. Suga, K. Kageyama (2015) Two new species, Phytopythium iriomotense sp. nov. and P. aichiense sp. nov., isolated from river water and water purification sludge in Japan Mycological Progress 14: DOI:10.1007
- Li, Y. Ishiguro, K. Kageyama, Z. Zhu (2015) A simple method for normalization of DNA extraction to improve the quantitative detection of soil-borne plant pathogenic oomycetes by real-time PCR, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 61: 179-185
- Rahman, M. Z. Rahman, S. Uematsu, E. Kimishima, T. Kanto d, M. Kusunoki, K. Motohashi, Y. Ishiguro, H. Suga, K. Kageyama (2015) Two plant pathogenic species of Phytophthora associated with stem blight of Easter lily and crown rot of lettuce in Japan, Mycoscience, 56: 419-433
- Feng, Y. Ishiguro, K. Hotta, H. Watanabe, H. Suga, K. Kageyama, (2015) Simple detection of Pythium irregulare using loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay, FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI:10.1093