Lab. overview

This page is the English version of the website of
Basin Hydrology Dynamics Laboratory of Center for Environmental and Societal Sustainability (CENSS), Gifu University.

 The research themes

Our laboratory focuses the river basin from its beginning at mountain to its end at river mouth. We study the dynamics of water and other relating materials, such as precipitation, evaporation and water flow in river, from hydro-meteorology (Tamagawa) and river engineering (Harada),  to understand phenomena and to apply the result of study. To show more detail, please click 研究紹介のページ (Sorry, written in Japanese).

1. Materials and energy transfer/circulation process

Prof. Ichiro TAMAGAWA (Ph.D.)
[Researcher information]
[Personal page in Japanese]
Keywords:  land surface, atmosphere, meteorology, hydrology


The transferring processes of energy, water, CO2 between land and atmosphere, as a boundary condition of atmosphere are studied, and the measurement techniques are also done. Our laboratory has a little bit different color in the department of civil engineering. (by Tamagawa)

2. River management technology with considering both of disaster prevention, environment conservation and dynamics of sedimentation

Assoc. Prof. Morihiro HARADA (D.Eng., P.E.Jp(Civil))
[Researcher information]
Keywords:  River Restoration Program, Sedimentation and River Engineering, flood risk management, climate change adaptation

The rivers in Japan has become safer due to the river  improvement works in the last decades.  However, it has been a nationwide subject that the past technique of river improvement works is less compatible in the both sides of disaster prevention and environment conservation in recent years.
Also, climate change is also having a major impact on meteorological phenomena, and the scale and frequency of floods is increasing. This tendency is particularly noticeable in the Asian monsoon region.

At our laboratory, practical research is advanced from versatile sides from disaster prevention and river environment conservation with aiming at realization of a river desirable also for living things also for human. Moreover, the geographical feature of the stream is made by dynamics of water and sediments.  We are trying to understand the dynamics of the sediment from the upstream to downstream.

We assess the impact of climate change and develop adaptation measures to it, taking into account the characteristics of the region’s climate, topography and social conditions. For that purpose, hydrology, river engineering, numerical calculation, GIS, etc. will be utilized. We are sure that the knowledge from these research become very important for the upcoming river basin management.  (by Harada)

We are waiting the new member joining as a student, graduate student, researcher, and so on.

◆Under graduate student

The students of the department of civil engineering, faculty of engineering, Gifu university come to make graduate study.

◆Graduate student

The students of the graduate school of engineering (civil engineering div.: master,  civil engineering div. and environmental and renewable energy system div.) , Gifu university.
We have some type of entrance examination from outside of Gifu university.
Please contact us.


Unfortubately, we do not have any post for researcher. But if you are post-doc. fellow such as of JST, please join us. We will make effort to help your research.